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has your lottie ever been vandalised?


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  • has your lottie ever been vandalised?

    I have only had mine for a few weeks and most of it has a big femce round and appears fairly secure but chap next to me had has shed broken into at weekend-lock forced off. Nothing taken as there was nothing in there but just wondered if people have either had things stolen or their wirk vandalised by damaging produce etc? the freebie polygreen house we had got damaged by wind so wont last after this year but thought of putting one up to have it vandalised is making me have second thoughts

  • #2
    Nothing in the eighteen months I've had the plot, thankfully - our site has tall hedges and locked gates, and on summer evenings some of the chaps do a patrol to discourage theft of crops. Not that there were many crops worth nicking, thanks to last year's weather!

    In any case I don't have any structures on my site, just a cheapo unlocked tool store containing an old spade and fork and a tatty folding chair, but other plotholders have sheds and even makeshift greenhouses. The amount of vandalism seems to vary enormously from site to site, depending on your local area, ease of access, etc, so I think you have to play it by ear...


    • #3

      My allotments were broken in to just after I had taken one on and then again a while after that. We had equipment stolen from the Lotty shed and most people spades were left on other peoples plot.

      We have new fencing now so are more secure, but we still have people who leave the gates open when they leave.

      Hardly anyone of our sites bothers to lock the shed because of the damage done when forced.


      Carpe Diem

      The way I see it, if you want the rainbow you have got to put up with the rain!


      • #4
        Someone walked through my patch of the back of the house the other day. Big shoe prints in the plot!!! Borke the fence as well.



        • #5
          We are very lucky on our site i have only been there since September going on what others have said. We do have country rangers next door but they had a large trailor taken recently but they are the worst ones for not locking the two gates one of which is their own. We have just heard that there is going to be a youth offending project starting uo soon whereby youngsters from the age of 8 - 18 will be growing produce etc . We are a bit concerned about this as they will be using the entrance to the site although they will be supervised at all times. We have a bmx track and a football ground nearby and they have rarely bothered anyone as they have something to occupy them.
          Other sites in the area are always having problems one plot had all the glass in the greenhouse broken by kids throwing stones bricks and anything else they could lay their hands on from outside the locked gate.
          Its worth having a chat with the local police as we did at the AGM they attended at the weekend.
          Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
          and ends with backache


          • #6
            Our site has a locked barrier to keep cars out but its easy to clamber over on foot. As far as I know no damage has been caused though nobody seems to have a shed. I've got an old wheelbarrow, bucket and some bamboo in the greenhouse but keep my tools in my car (probably not much safer there as it happens ). There's a cricket pitch at the back of the site, and a BT installation which nearly always has a van or two on it next door, plus a scout hut at the end of the site - I guess all these things act as a deterrent to opportunistic vandalism/theft.
            Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


            • #7
              Our site used to be vandalized/robbed just about every weekend, but for some reason our plot was always spared. After about six months our shed was broken into and, to be honest, we were almost relieved, as newbies to the site it was starting to look as if we might be the culprits - especially as one evening my OH called in on his way to his night-shift, as we'd forgotten something we needed at home, and the secretary and two of the biggest, scariest, plot holders were hiding in the hopes of catching someone in the act. Fortunately we knew one of the 'henchmen' quite well so the situation didn't get too out of hand. Our site was open then, anyone could walk through and so much was going missing in a single evening that whoever was responsible would have needed a van. After much harassment of the allotments officer the site was fenced and a locked gate added, since which we haven't had much trouble, though if anyone were truly determined they could still force access quite easily, but at least it's stopped the opportunists. Even so, I wouldn't leave anything there that I wasn't prepared to lose.
              Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


              • #8
                :I have had the wheel stolen from wheelbarrow - Twice! The second wheelbarrow I had not even used. Another time my shovel and then last weekend my wellington boots which had been out in the open for 9 months! I now put tools in a plastic compost bin (empty of course) because I figure noone is going to lift the lids on the hundreds of compost bins - they just think it has compost in it.
                You know you're a hard nosed gardener when you pull the weeds from others plots!


                • #9
                  Not deliberately - a few local kids use it sometimes as a shortcut to their own gardens. I have to mark clearly where things are planted to avoid footprints.
                  You are a child of the universe,
                  no less than the trees and the stars;
                  you have a right to be here.

                  Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

                  blog: and my (basic!) page:


                  • #10
                    My friend had her shed set on fire last year, and had it broken into loads of times, veggies been walked over.
                    Think its kids hiding out smoking on the allotments that might have coursed it.
                    Smile and the world smiles with you


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Epsom Gardener View Post
                      :I have had the wheel stolen from wheelbarrow - Twice! The second wheelbarrow I had not even used. Another time my shovel and then last weekend my wellington boots which had been out in the open for 9 months! I now put tools in a plastic compost bin (empty of course) because I figure noone is going to lift the lids on the hundreds of compost bins - they just think it has compost in it.
                      that's a bloody good idea actually!


                      • #12
                        IIRC, GYO had an allotment project a few months ago, showing how to build a secret tool store that looks like a compost bin. If Paul Wagland is around, he'll probably know which issue, since it was in his column


                        • #13
                          ours get broken into every school holiday, so it doesn't take a genius to figure out who the culprits are, or does it???? no-one locks sheds anymore and we have had a nice chain link fence put up with barbed wire on to top, but guess what? they just cut through the fence in two seperate places so you can't win. I like the idea of using a compost bin as a tool store, would save having to cart anything valuable in the boot of the car every time
                          Kernow rag nevra

                          Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.
                          Bob Dylan


                          • #14
                            I have had the wheel stolen from wheelbarrow - Twice!
                            I've also had a wheel taken from my wheelbarrow - I bought a new wheel off Ebay and when I got to the allotment to fit it the *&?�!*'s had stolen the wheel-less wheelbarrow.

                            I've also had three scaffolding planks that I was using as walkways stolen off the plot.
                            'People don't learn and grow from doing everything right the first time... we only grow by making mistakes and learning from them. It's those who don't acknowledge their mistakes who are bound to repeat them and do no learn and grow. None of us are done making mistakes or overflowing with righteous wisdom. Humility is the key.'
                            - Thomas Howard


                            • #15
                              On the allotment i am on earlier this year 6 allotments were hit .
                              The glass in 5 green houses were all broken , one shed was totally trashed and my small lean to shed was up lifted onto my closh .
                              Police was down including the press , they never got anyone for it .
                              One chap gave up his plot he couldnt take it any more.
                              We were all sorry to see him go .
                              But life must go on , be strong , be brave .


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