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How Big Are your Beds ?


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  • #16
    All different sizes! Most are 5 to 6' wide and up to 9m in length. The extra distance really isn't that far to walk! I plant veg like sqaush in the fat squarer shaped beds and beans in the longer and narrow beds. I have a board to spread my weight if I do need to stand on the soil but where possible try not to. I perhaps wish I'd made them narrower but we'll see how it goes.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Nicos View Post
      How big is my bed?????

      Now that's what I call a personal question!!!

      Ohh...on the lottie????.....4ft x 7 ft max ( any longer and I'm too lazy to walk round)
      So its not a single or kingsize it's a double bed size.........ish! Or is it a three quarter?
      Last edited by Snadger; 23-04-2008, 07:15 PM.
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • #18
        my oh have just installed two raised beds in my back garden they are 1 foot high by 8ft long by 4 ft wide,my garden looks like the set of good life
        joanne geldard


        • #19
          My two raised beds are 5'x13',and like Snadger I put a scaffold plank across so as not to walk on them.

          Chinese Proverb - He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who does not remains a fool forever


          • #20
            I'm going all metric here. Most of our beds are 90cm by 220cm. We made the mistake of also building one big bed 220cm x 220cm. It was divided into an extra deep section for carrots and parsnips, with runner beans, peas and broad beans in the shallower part. However, once the taller stuff had grown, it was impossible to weed without climbing right in.

            I've got my autumn sewn onions in it at the moment, and when they are harvested in June/July we will take the bed apart and re build it in to two beds.
            Last edited by Pumpkin Becki; 24-04-2008, 10:09 PM.


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