i've got some comfrey roots which i bought on ebay for my allotment ,is it invasive?should i grow it in pots to get the best crop or plant it in a patch on the allotment? help needed haven't got a clue.i just know its good for compost and tea for the plants.its not the self seeding type.:confused
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No If it's the Russian bocking 17 (or whatever its called...poor memory sorry) and non seeding it shouldn't be too invasive as that's how it gets about, but It is VERY difficult to dig out once established- so make sure that you choose the right spot.
Hopeless in pots because it draws nutrients from deep in the soil -making them available to you...in pots you would have to feed it and thus defeat the object.Last edited by Paulottie; 17-05-2008, 05:27 PM.
Bocking 14 won't seed everywhere - it's sterile.
It prefers damp shady ground. Not poor, dry or stony soil. Don't let it flower in its first year to help it establish itself (it will try to; just cut the flower spikes off and compost them).All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Bought 6 plants for �4 off internet.....and once in the ground they have gone great guns.
I didn't have room for 2 which have stayed in pots and are a third of the size and rather weedy. The root system is the thing for reaching the parts other plants cannot reach -I agree with all above!
Now, do you let them flower and can I plant them under trees?
Originally posted by spud57 View PostWe have just planted a clump on our allotment, but dont know if it is the Bocking 14... is there any way to tell?
All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Interesting post since I just this weekend gone got some seed from T&M. Herb : Comfrey
the blurb saysThe leaves, which can be harvested several times a season, are used as a compost activator helping the breakdown of other compost materials. Also used as a mulch, or is superb used as a liquid manure on tomato and potatoes plants. Grows in any soil, preferably moist, in sun or part shade. Height to 120cm (4ft).
No mention of any sort of bocking. hmm, maybe I'll email T&M and ask them just to make sure
FoxHill - Bocking14 is sterile, it doesn't make seed.
It still flowers, but it's firing blanks (think like: it's had a vasectomy)
Cut the flowers off in its first year so it can put all its energy into making roots. After that, you cut the flowers off anyway with the leaves to put on your compost heap or into tea.Last edited by Two_Sheds; 20-05-2008, 07:36 AM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Does bocking 14 not flower at all, or just not produce seed?Last edited by FoxHillGardener; 19-05-2008, 05:32 PM.
Originally posted by Two_Sheds View PostWhere'd you get it from? If it was dug out of someone's garden, it's probably not Bocking 14, which is usually labelled as such (by those in the know)
Bocking 14 flowers just the seed is sterile...jaffas you know. Stop panicking all!..just chop off any flowers if you dont want your non hybrid comfrey to seed, even if it does it is easy to get rid of the seedlings like any other weed. It is only once it is established that it is a real pain to shift ...bit like docks I guess.
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