In the middle of the nettle/ bramble patch there is a clump of plants that look like ferns, which is what I assumed they were, but now they've suddenly sprung up about 2-3ft tall and emit a lemony fragrance when cut which sounds less fernlike.. they look a bit like I've seen grown asparagus plants look, but I haven't seen any spears so I'm assuming that I'm not that lucky.. any ideas what it could be? or could they be asparagus that maybe isn't producing many/any spears ? (not in ideal conditions surrounded by weeds and probably very over crowded and diffucylt to examine closely without getting stung/scratched so i may have missed them if there are only )
or are they just a different kind of weed?
Will try and take a pic sometime to help (and figure out how to post it) but I just thought I'd see if anyone had any ideas..
Many thanks,
In the middle of the nettle/ bramble patch there is a clump of plants that look like ferns, which is what I assumed they were, but now they've suddenly sprung up about 2-3ft tall and emit a lemony fragrance when cut which sounds less fernlike.. they look a bit like I've seen grown asparagus plants look, but I haven't seen any spears so I'm assuming that I'm not that lucky.. any ideas what it could be? or could they be asparagus that maybe isn't producing many/any spears ? (not in ideal conditions surrounded by weeds and probably very over crowded and diffucylt to examine closely without getting stung/scratched so i may have missed them if there are only )
or are they just a different kind of weed?
Will try and take a pic sometime to help (and figure out how to post it) but I just thought I'd see if anyone had any ideas..

Many thanks,