A bit of background - i'm a stay at home mum with a part time (evening) job. My children are 2 and 3. Our new plot is 10 miles away and I've taken it on with my Mum (who is the brains behind this but wants me to take on the bulk of the organising/donkey work).
The plot is 10 poles of clay like soil. It was cultivated last year I believe but only half heartedly and before that it wasn't used for years and years. It was recently tilled so is mud topped currently. We have a fairly large amount of well rotted manure to use too.
So, what on earth do I do now?!! We've been up today and marked out 2 beds, each 4ft wide and 11ft long. I think I'm planning on having 8 beds like this and then several beds the full width of the plot (25ft) for things like runner beans and spuds. Next year I'd like to grow things that boost my confidence.
My mum bought some main crop potatoes today, half price. I believe these need to be put in asap? She also has some butternut squash for us to plant up there.
With all of this in mind what would be your 'to do' list for the next week? and on from that a to do list for the next month.. I have no idea how much time I have to allot to this yet, it depends greatly on how the children cope with being up there. I would like to get the bulk of the work done asap so that I can pootle up there over the winter and I'm sure mum would baby sit while I got going. Thing is, I have no idea what the to do list would entail.
Please help, I need a plan of action to get me going so I can enjoy this new hobby
