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Petrol strimmer any ideas on good ones


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  • #16
    Sorry to be a real thicky here, but is two stroke petrol just a mix of unleaded & two stoke oil?
    Steve G


    • #17
      My flymo needs unleaded petrol and 2-stroke oil in a 40:1 ratio.

      It was �89 and is quite basic, but does all I need it to do. I've not tried it on brambles... yet...
      You are a child of the universe,
      no less than the trees and the stars;
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      • #18
        I bought the Spear and Jackson 30cc strimmer from Argos yesterday for �47.99 and used it today to de-weed the 2nd half of my plot. The verdict - it's BRILLIANT!! It is so much more powerful than my electric Bosch plug in one I have at home. It made light work of the 2ft high thistles and was easy to use. I need to know where I can get a cheapish rotovator now!



        • #19
          Hi - Please don't Andy, if there's any chance you could do without. Unless you live miles from anywhere. We went up the allotment to work & chill today and someone had their new petrol strimmer going for two hours. We had to shout to each other to be heard. Quite a lot of people slowly left. When he stopped, there was applause for the birdsong & silence. I'd have gladly cut it all by hand for him, for the price of the petrol.


          • #20
            Personally, I wouldn't use a strimmer on my allotment. There are too many frogs around ~ they tend to freeze instead of hopping away from danger.

            But if you want a neat tidy plot instead of a wildlife-friendly one, then I guess a strimmer is a good idea.
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • #21
              Nah - my plot's neat & tidy, all done by hand, teeming with wildlife. Apart from everything else that's wrong with them, strimmers tend to scatter stuff everywhere. I can understand the male fascination with toys & gadgets and horsepower but it wouldn't outweigh my consideration for other people, wildlife and dwindling fossil fuels.


              • #22
                Sorry to say I did get one and before we used it we asked the people who were on their plots if they minded a bit of noise, they were more than happy for us to use it, but I waited until the plots were empty and did it then, it shouldn't take much keeping in check now. I suppose there are pros and cons for most things we do on there.


                • #23
                  how did you find it andy ?
                  i used mine foraround 2 hours yesterday the only problem i had was geting a small burn on my elbow when the engine got a lttle warm. it was easy to use and is well ballanced i put mine on one shoulder not across the chest.
                  im glad i got it
                  Last edited by dinky_doo; 01-06-2008, 02:43 PM.
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                  • #24
                    Mr VVG has bought a Mountfield petrol strimmer but there is no way it's getting up to the Lottie. I am testing it out at home.
                    Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

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                    • #25
                      I've used most of the strimmers on the market (I'm a gardener) .... I prefer the Honda (its also a 4 stroke and not a 2 stroke)

                      it always starts on the 1st pull and never misses a beat and I've used it for 2 years now (sometimes several times a day) .... I will buy another if this one packs up


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