Sorry in advance as this is probably the most stupid question ever asked about planting potatoes, but here goes...... I've planted some tatties already in my raised beds in the garden - they are really deep beds - probably about 3 foot deep, so alls I did was put em in a little hole and earth them up when the shoots started coming through and they're growing great now, but now I've got my lottie I'm not sure what to do.... The ground was totally overgrown with weeds, so I've dug out a nice sized bed. The soil turned over really easily and looks nice and rich but I've looked at all the other plots with potatoes on it and they seem really organised. What I want to know is how deep should I plant my tatties, do I mound up the earth straight away. Do I just plonk em on the soil and mound over em, or do I dig individual holes to put em in or do I dig a trench (but how deep) and put the tatties in that then mound the earth over them??? Ok stop laughing now
I said it was gonna be a daft question didn't I
