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have to laugh, wouldn't change a thing


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  • have to laugh, wouldn't change a thing

    Just had the funniest vegatable day ever today.
    Since January this year my husband has been frantically sowing seeds nuturing young plants and scrupriously labeling everything
    My beautiful 2year old son, in one afternoon went into the greenhouse and removed all the labels to all the plants,husband was away at the time and he could not remember what went where as we were growing over 40 different products!!
    So everything has gone on the plot and we prayed that we would do ok and have some exciting surprises!
    Well we have not done to bad all the brassicas are together, even though we are not sure what they are(definatley a cauliflower, head formed over the weekend 1 down 35 to go).
    The angel child goes to nursery 2 days a week from 8am-1pm and it just so happens that our allotment is at the other end of the playing fields and we have butties and coffee on the plot watching our newt squatters in the little pond and our leeks maturing over beds of straw.
    Well today we pulled up our leeks! as the tops had gone brown and were starting go droop.
    they are not leeks they are garlic bulbs not 1 or 2 but 30 and the car stank all day as we were out after nursery had finished
    I have just been trimming the garlic to hang and have just discovered that i not only have RUST on some leaves but also LEEK MOTH
    I want to feel angry but as my middle daughter was sat there fascinated with these little caterpillars all i could do was laugh and think of telling you all, that no matter what bug pest disease each plant gets it is ok.
    i can think of nothing better i would want to do than sit with my husband watching birds bugs newts (bloody butterflies) in this beautiful weather all for less than a night out.
    Hope you are all well and enjoy your time with your plants and families

  • #2
    The joy's of parenthood - our 3yr old has discovered the joys of using the hose to water mummy and not the plants - he is also a worm terror & pulls them out of the ground to feed to the chickens when I'm turning over the plot!!
    How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


    • #3
      Hello Muddyfingers, enjoy your angel child , and all that goes with it. It's likely to be the happiest days of your life. Happy days to you and yours.

      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


      • #4
        Great tales - your angel child not the only one who thinks swop the labels is a great game Happy gardening ss x
        not every situation requires a big onion


        • #5
          I wish my two would go in the greenhouse MF at 16 & 18 all I get is grunts !!!
          Never be afraid to try something new.
          Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
          A large group of professionals built the Titanic


          • #6
            i also have 12 & 13 year old girls and they only like the watering as it usually ends up on them!! you can only smile at the little ones when they are digging up the seeds you have just planted to make his own little seed tray.

            His favourite thing this year is filling up every single empty pot lying around with compost and putting them on the side in the greenhouse and watching me and OH wandering what seeds are where in these new pots as we both think the other has planted them as we have not seen him do this.
            I watched him a while ago do this as i was doing the dishes and am relived to know that the 10 or so pots that haven't germinated are nothing to be concerned about!!!

            Anyone else have any funny gardening stories!


            • #7
              Iona has just turned 5 and her favourite gardening game does not happen in my garden, but at one of our local garden centres. When she gets bored of daddy talking plants to the staff, off she wanders to reappear fifteen minutes later with a two litre pot that she has been "collecting" - what has she been collecting ? - all the labels off all the plants in the nursery area!

              British by birth
              Scottish by the Grace of God



              • #8
                earlier in the year, after showing 3 year old James how to earth up potatoes, he decided to help Mummy by earthing up ALL the veg! Bless!
                smiling is infectious....

       updated 28th May 2008


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