I've been thinking about applying for an allotment for a while now. I've been reading up on the subject, looking at what I'd be able to grow etc. However I'm still not sure if I'm ready for an allotment. I think what's worrying me is what if I take it on and cannot handle the size of the plot. Plus would I be able to devote the right amount of time to it?
is willing to help me out with the picking of the vegetables but everything else will be down to me.
I've been reading and hearing how allotment 'culture' is changing and not all allotmenteers are 'mature' men anymore. This sounds excellent as I'd hate to be the only bird on the allotments.
If anyone has recently taken on an allotment was it a scary process?!
Am I the only one who's actually scared of getting an allotment in fear of failure?
I currently grow fruit and vegetables in my garden but with the way food prices are going I thought I would combine my love of growing fruit and veg with my desire to have a production hobby that will give me an opportunity to get away from the stresses of my day job.

I've been reading and hearing how allotment 'culture' is changing and not all allotmenteers are 'mature' men anymore. This sounds excellent as I'd hate to be the only bird on the allotments.
If anyone has recently taken on an allotment was it a scary process?!
Am I the only one who's actually scared of getting an allotment in fear of failure?
I currently grow fruit and vegetables in my garden but with the way food prices are going I thought I would combine my love of growing fruit and veg with my desire to have a production hobby that will give me an opportunity to get away from the stresses of my day job.