Had our first trips to our new Lottie at the weekend.And i loved it!
Loads of hard back breaking work. We started by clearing the plot and then started a bed where we knew it would be hard work( what looks like the previous dumping site) on the premise that once this is cleared anything else would be a doddle. After 2 days of clearing we have our first bed, only measures approx 4 foot by 7 foot and in that area we found a bed frame and the remains of a burnt mattress, a bike frame, a singer sowing machine, corrugated metal sheets, glass etc the list goes on....
But...WE HAVE A BED!! Covered it in well rotted manure and will cover with weed membrane on next trip.
What I could not get over is the friendliness of other plot holders. The plot below ours is next to the tennant's house so they lent us their strimmer plugged into their mains to clear our plot of nettles etc., so only fair that we shared our beer with them. Sunday at around lunchtime they invited us to their plot for wine and cheese
So kind, and they gave us a compost bin. We were also given a huge head of lettuce from an "old boy",and any advice we need, "just ask". Of course the problem now is when do you actually get: any work done? Everyone is so chatty and you don't like to be rude, especially when they are so generous. We really feel as if we fallen on our feet here

But...WE HAVE A BED!! Covered it in well rotted manure and will cover with weed membrane on next trip.
What I could not get over is the friendliness of other plot holders. The plot below ours is next to the tennant's house so they lent us their strimmer plugged into their mains to clear our plot of nettles etc., so only fair that we shared our beer with them. Sunday at around lunchtime they invited us to their plot for wine and cheese
