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Little White Flies


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  • #16
    I will do the sods are on my winter cabbage . If its not them its the foxes
    playing about in the fleece hmmm.Need to find a way to get rid of them.
    The force is strong in this one!


    • #17
      Its almost February and I still have whitefly. They survived our (3 day) winter and my curly kale is completely inedible because the infestation is so bad. I think I'll pull all the infected plants up and roast the little blighters on a bonfire. Don't think I'll grow brassicas next year...


      • #18
        Oh RL that is a shame. Do you use any kind of frame or netting? Been to check on my cabbages today. Did find 2 catterpillars - thought these should be gone now too. I love to eat all brassicas and will be attempting several this year. I have bought some tennis balls in the hope of constructing some kind of cage.


        • #19
          We have also been to the allotment and found caterpillars and white fly surviving.
          Must look into netting for next year. The purple sprouting broccoli seeme to be doing ok.


          • #20
            Today I spotted greenfly on the new growth on my roses - who says there's no such thing as Global Warming

            British by birth
            Scottish by the Grace of God



            • #21
              I'm not sure about white fly as I've never had it. Yesterday I went to put some stuff in the compst bin and it was covered in white flies. Quite big critters about the size of pepper seeds, and much bigger with wings opened. Is this white fly? and what should I do ? and why have I got them? Thanks.

              From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


              • #22
                Hi Alice
                Whitefly are tiny little critters (unless I have been talking about the wrong thing all along ) which leave a powdery substance on the underside of leaves. I believe they are usually in abundance in warm weather, but seem to have enjoyed the mild winter. Have to say they have not affected our enjoyment of food so far.
                Have no idea what yours are- maybe a new superstrain!!
                Hope someone else will be able to help you!!


                • #23
                  Thanks Stroppy Scotte, I think it's not whitefly on the compost bin then. Don't know what they are but definately a hatch of something. I've sprayed the bin inside and out with the greenfly spray so just have to watch and see what happens.

                  From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                  • #24
                    Hi Alice,
                    I think you'll find they're fruit flies - no need to worry about them they just live off the sugars in the peelings etc.


                    • #25
                      Thanks for that Jan. I've Googled fruit flies and I'm not convinced that's what they are. The only ones I can see now are dead as I sprayed them, but I'll keep watching and take a pic if I see anymore.

                      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


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