I have had my allotment for 6 months now and the trend at our allotment for some years now, is to put bark/wood chipping mulch ( delivered occasionally from the council, arranged by a council allotment holder)on the paths inbetween plots etc. My neighbour mulches his fruit bushes, once or twice a year with it. My plot gets waterlogged in heavy rain turning the entrance to my plot to mud, so I have put a heavy mulch of wood chippings at the entrance and down a central path,making access easier and around the 3 bay compost bin and I too, have mulched my currant bushes. Now a farmer friend tells me 'why was I putting that nasty stuff around my fruit trees?' if he wants to kill anything off he covers it with bark chippings....!! now what am I to do ? as I was the one to arrange the delivery of the stuff from a tree surgeon, and another load is on its way next week. My question is - is this stuff safe to use, mostly its conifer trees, chipped up and is fresh not stored stuff.
