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stealing and vandalism on site


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  • #16
    was robbed a few weeks ago, I now have not bothered to put the locks back on, just brought home what was sickens you to the pit of your stomach when it happens.

    Just dont bother putting locks on, unless you can have locks within the nshed door itself so they cannot break into it.
    Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


    • #17
      We are starting an allotment watch. We have signs up letting people know that Police will make regular visits to the plots to keep an eye on things. This is a deterrent and wont stop light fingers doing their bit on the plots but it has reduced its activity. Fit alarms that work with the sun and a small battery. Like allotmentlady says, don't fit a lock unless it is a very sturdy door with lock fitted inside. With locks fitted thieves think you have something precious inside. This does not stop them nicking your veg. Get active with the Council and the Police. And good luck. Oh, and have a great New Year.
      good Diggin, Chuffa.

      Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabris, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam.


      • #18
        on our site i have put up shed. i have been told not to put a lock on it and don't leave anything valueble in it. a sad indictment on modern life i know but it keeps me dry when it chucks it down which normally happens just when i get there. i built a wooden compost bin last march and by april some little git had burnt it down along with a chair a water butt<empty> and various other bits and pieces.been peaceful since though. if you do have any trouble complain to everyone, council police local paper mp. the more the better. i did and we had new gates fitted. its heartbreaking when sht like that happens but dont let the little bstards win.


        • #19
          agree with lottie dolly about needing to report any incidents to the police.the one thing i've learnt from working with the police over the years is that although people always complain that they don't respond to lesser crimes,they are always performance driven and if people report crimes,they invariably then have to target resources to tackle hotspots.
          If the allotment have a committee,i'd suggest inviting the local beat officer along to discuss the problem first.good luck.


          • #20
            This week we have had two break ins-not to steal but to use the sheds as smoking dens-and I'm not talking a little bit of weed-all the paraphernalia (did I really spell that right?!) of hard drugs. Police SOCO's have been there for hours. Phew!


            • #21
              I have had small plants stolen from the greenhouse on my plot, a fellow plot holder had his whole greenhouse lifted up and removed, over a hedge onto a main road, leaving his rickety old tables behind! Not so long ago the huge gate and lock were smashed and the site vandalised - huge footprints everywhere, they'd just had 'fun' dancing around We now have a new lock and barrier but I'm sure eventually they'll get smashed as well.

              I carry on regardless, the advantages outweigh these idiots and I refuse to let them stop me. I just dont leave anything there any more, keep it all in the back of my hatchback instead!

              Just you enjoy your plot, take sensible precautions, but dont get hung up on it. Good luck with the coming season
              Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


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