At last two weeks after taking possession of my plot visitors have left, visiting has been done and got to work this morning. Plot is grassed over but little other weeds so far. Have spent morning clearing . I have covered one area with cardboard and plastic sheeting for later. I have now taken off top couple of inches of grass and soil and put grass side down on top of plastic sheet. My thought was that this would weigh down sheet and also kill off grass roots by spring. Does this make any sense or is it just wishful thinking?
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No it does make sense. I did this when stripping the grass in my garden, but I double dug and turned the turves upseide down in the bottom. I defied them to grow again form doen there. Rotted turf makes a lovely soil. You might still get some grass growth from the side, but see how it goes.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
Depends on what sort of grass it is...unless it was a very clean plot and sown with ryegrass as a green manure(as if)....I suspect that what you have there is a patch of mainly couch grass with some buttercup and a bit of meadow grass. Not the sort of turf that is good for stacking
Couch has a stripey brown and white running root that is pretty persistant. after years It will eventually compost without light in a cool heap like that but generally you are better to either dig a deep hole/trench and bury the roots, This can be topped with newspaper peelings etc and backfilled as the site for next years runnerbeans.
or spread them on chicken wire to get topsoil off and burn them.Last edited by Paulottie; 02-12-2008, 01:57 AM.
You are doing exactly the right thing. We put our turfs under black membrane back in April and now we are riddling it and getting great top soil to put back into the beds - waste not... and there are lots of worms in it too. (Have a look at my blog). Take it slow and enjoy the process - you'll really feel like the plot is yours when that shed comes. Good luck!
Originally posted by Carrie G View PostYou are doing exactly the right thing. We put our turfs under black membrane back in April and now we are riddling it and getting great top soil to put back into the beds - waste not... and there are lots of worms in it too. (Have a look at my blog). Take it slow and enjoy the process - you'll really feel like the plot is yours when that shed comes. Good luck!......Why?????....I used to do that!!!
Save the sieve for the potting compost if I were you...too much like hard work. Mypex is good though.
Today built compost bin (well, technically speaking nailed 3 pallets together) and started clearing last occupants rubbish area. Looked ok just grass but clearing revealed a collection of buried metalware. Included 2 1/2 ft long reinforcing rod with 2 foot long length of very heavy duty chain attached. The mind boggles!. perhaps someone could enlighten me as to the horticultural use for such an item. Met a couple of neighbouring plotholders. This seems a very social activity.
Ha! That's nothing! - I was lucky enough to have a shed already on my new plot, and it contained:-
- 7 yes 7 binbags full of empty drink bottles(I do realise they can be used for putting on top of canes - but did the really need that many?)
- An old bacy tin full of rusty razor blades
- And some very smelly trainers
Ahh well , 'Nowt as queer as folk' as me old Nan used to sayTori
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