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New lottie AKA local dog toilet!!!!


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  • #16
    Originally posted by bluemoon View Post
    No, I think you're right KTM250. As I recall (my brother told me this when he was at law school, so it's nearly thirty years ago) A cat is not thought to be able to come under the control of its owner. So if, for example, a cat causes a traffic accident then there is no come back on the owner, but if a dog does the same then the owner can be prosecuted. Similarly bites and scratches. There's also a really silly law that says if you put up the traditional 'Beware of the Dog' sign, then this implies that you knew the dog was dangerous, so if it bites you'll feel the full force of the law, if there is no sign and it bites then you can claim that it has never done it before and both you and the dog will be dealt with more leniently. This is the total opposite to what most people think in that a sign which has been ignored by someone does NOT mean that you've done all you can and any problem is therefore their own fault.
    the law is an ass
    Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


    • #17
      a few years ago at a previouse address,OH was on the front digging out for a gate post,he got so far with the hole then nipped rounnd the back for something,and when he got back a woman had allowed her dog the wee all over where he was working,as we did not actually see it take place there was nothing we could do,but,what did another time was,he fixed up a speaker in the holly tree,my word we had right laugh one night,we spoted a body stop with a dog,and i shouted out something along the lines of ,not if i were you,move on,well they could not see us,and were quite startled to hear a tree talking,and left promptly,it was soooo funny.
      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


      • #18
        I've heard that a bottle of water left in the area, for some reason deters dogs from going near it to foul.


        • #19
          Originally posted by timbo View Post
          I've heard that a bottle of water left in the area, for some reason deters dogs from going near it to foul.
          Our cycle lane is covered in bottles, and other litter ... and dog dirt.
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Johnny Appleseed View Post
            Now, how do I stop my neighbours cats emptying their bowels under my bay window - cleaning up after other peoples pets is so irritating.
            Liberal quantities of curry powder! My cat has her own place in the garden where she "goes" but I can guarantee that as soon as I've been digging anywhere she has to come and christen it, hence the large bag of cheap curry powder in my pocket when I'm gardening. I'm not saying she doesn't go anywhere else, she's free to come and go as she pleases, but I think she's got another place by the railway railings too. If I did see her dropping doo-doos then as a responsible pet owner, yes I'd clean it up. Don't most cats bury it though? I know mine does and so do my friends' cats Still doesn't help when you're digging though does it
            My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


            • #21
              Maybe it should be law that cats cannot go out on their own! Its a crime for a dog to be wandering the streets, defecating areas. Maybe it should be the same for cats. I used to be a cat owner but she stayed indoors, used her litter tray and watched the world go by from the window, never caused her any harm.
              Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


              • #22
                For months we kept finding "barkers eggs" outside out home on the pavement and several times trod on one. Enough was enough and after several days of being a nosey neighbour we found the culprit, he lived about 300 yards down the lane. He was asked very politely to pick up in future but got quite aggressive.

                The next time we found "evidence", it was transported down the road and smeared on his car door handles, front door handle and the remains left on the doorstep with a note stating that future episodes would be treated exactly the same way until his anti-social behaviour ended.

                It ended alright


                • #23
                  Originally posted by pigletwillie View Post
                  For months we kept finding "barkers eggs" outside out home on the pavement and several times trod on one. Enough was enough and after several days of being a nosey neighbour we found the culprit, he lived about 300 yards down the lane. He was asked very politely to pick up in future but got quite aggressive.

                  The next time we found "evidence", it was transported down the road and smeared on his car door handles, front door handle and the remains left on the doorstep with a note stating that future episodes would be treated exactly the same way until his anti-social behaviour ended.

                  It ended alright
                  * GRIN*

                  I certainly wouldn't recommend this anti-social vigilante type behaviour

                  I would however indulge in it serves em right, they reap what they sow.
                  Last edited by BrideXIII; 21-12-2008, 04:52 PM.
                  Vive Le Revolution!!!
                  'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                  Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                  • #24
                    I cannot agree with smearing it on car handles etc...........lowering yourself to their standards.......quite disgusting really to do it,
                    Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


                    • #25
                      I quite agree allotmentlady, but after being asked, nicely I might add, he just laughed and threatened violence against me, my wife and the house.

                      Revenge is a dish best smeared cold as they say and having trod dog crap into my car twice and the house three times (and that is disgusting), enough was enough.

                      If you live by the dog poo, you die by it too. At least I can now walk out of my front garden in the dark without having to watch EVERY step.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by allotmentlady View Post
                        I cannot agree with smearing it on car handles etc...........lowering yourself to their standards.......quite disgusting really to do it,
                        If that is what it take's so be it it get's there attention....jacob..
                        What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
                        Ralph Waide Emmerson


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by pigletwillie View Post
                          .....after being asked, nicely I might add, he just laughed and threatened violence against me, my wife and the house.....
                          THAT would make me think twice, I'm afraid. Too many crazy nutters out there (or maybe I lived in London too long). And he just left it at that without revenge?


                          • #28
                            When we first moved in in January, there was a little old lady who walked her dog up the road and let it cr*p on our front lawn. I ran out to ask her to stop and she said it was ok as she picked it up. I told her we have small children that play there and there will still be residue on the grass. She hasn't, to my knowldege, let he dog do it there since, but now her son walks th dog, so maybe I scared her!

                            Before we moved I followed a woman (not stalking we were going the same way) to my house where she let her dog cr*p on our verge. And didn't pick it up. I asked her to pick it up and she said she didn't bring anything out with her! I, of course, am well prepared mummy and handed her a nappy bag - so she had to pick it up!

                            How can she take he dog for a walk and not know it's going to want to do it's business?! grrrrrr

                            Hope the prob gets sorted soon - janeyo


                            • #29
                              Does "Coleus" work

                              Well, the promised "No Fouling" signs never appeared ....

                              But I found some old plant catalogues the other day and on the back was an ad for "Coleus canina", described as a cat, dog and fox repellent........ does it work? should I invest in a coleus hedge to keep those mutts off my patch?

                              (the problem is on the verge so i can't fence it in and dont want to cultivate it properly).


                              • #30
                                I have a dog and always pick up,to keep cats off of newly prepped ground try drying old tea bags,spray wih ralgex and bury/leave on surface.the smell deters cats and is reasonably showerproof as it is oily,don't know how it works for dogs though.
                                to stop cats in your newly planted pots try old/new cocktail sticks pushed in till about an inch is left showing
                                don't be afraid to innovate and try new things
                                remember.........only the dead fish go with the flow

                                Another certified member of the Nutters club


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