Originally posted by Paul Wagland
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Whilst I accept that the ideal, indeed the legal requirement, is for councils to provide enough allotments to cover demand. (and not by cutting 10 rod plots in half as you wisely pointed out) The reality is that the surge in demand means managers should weed out joker tenants. If people are prepared to reclaim bramble patches they should be given leeway but, rented in reasonable nick, I think if you can't at least dig over; grow spuds and squashes; or put in your raised bed structure in the first year.... your plots too big/allotments are not for you. They are places to feed your family not leisure gardens. If nothing is happening then it needs to put put into service for others
I can normally tell within 10 mins whether someone is a time waster or a worker...I have also made the mistake of renting to folk who failed in the previous 2 seasons...they are just NOT going to manage it this time either! If you need the plots they have got to go. You just get a sea of weed seed floating around.... You then have to establish whether or not there is a reason; issue a warning; upset people etc. before you can strim/plough it to keep it in reasonable order...too much grief.
Other folk are plodders but you know they'll keep coming back and get it done. After 8 years on the plot I just know the difference!!! It was good for amusement when there were four of us up there but in the last couple of years we are now near capacity.
And while I am completely for allotments being for all without discrimination, If you can't physically (time or otherwise) cope. It is just a pipe-dream and not fair on anyone... to take on a plot without a good plan who IS going to do the physical work, initial and long term, is not seeing the reality of veg growing. It is very rewarding but ,after all hard work! I really enjoy your enthusiasm and encouragement for people getting allotments but they must be realistic.
Just as well We've got spell check then!