i am secretary of our self managed site for my sins
...i have been approached by the head of the school which borders our site requesting a plot
the school is for children under 11 years old with behavioural difficulties and have been removed from 'ordinary' schools. My first reaction was yes lets do all we can to help but there will be opposition from some quarters. The kids will be in small groups of 4/5 and will have 1:1 supervision at all times. The insurance will be covered by the LEA so thats not an issue. Has anyone else done anything like this on their sites or got any advice.

the school is for children under 11 years old with behavioural difficulties and have been removed from 'ordinary' schools. My first reaction was yes lets do all we can to help but there will be opposition from some quarters. The kids will be in small groups of 4/5 and will have 1:1 supervision at all times. The insurance will be covered by the LEA so thats not an issue. Has anyone else done anything like this on their sites or got any advice.