Here is a list of what I have planned to grow this season. If there is no variety listed it is because I am undecided as yet.
Broad Beans - Witkiem Manita
Runner Beans - Enorma & Lady Di
French Beans - Climbing Blue Lake
Peas - Kelvedon Wonder & Onward
Courgette - Defender, Ambassador & Taxi
Cucumber - Femspot & Pepinex 69
Swiss Chard
Perpetual Spinach
Spinach - Medina
Celery - Golden Self Blanching & Green Sleeve
Celeriac - Giant Prague
Swede - Gowrie
Turnip - Purple Top Milan
Calabrese - Marathon & Iron Man
Beetroot - Moneta, Chiogga & Burpees Golden
Lettuce - Little Gem, Charita, Amorina, Saladin, GSB, RSB
Rocket - Skyrocket
Radish - Tarzan & Long White Icicle
PSB - Early Purple Sprouting
Globe Artichoke
Jerusalem Artichoke - Gerard (if I can find any
Potatoes - Lady Christl, Sharpes Express, Duke of York
Chilli - Jalapeno, Scotch Bonnet, Cayenne
Sweet Pepper
Tomato - Gartenperle, Tumbling Ton Red & Yellow
Cabbage - Golden Acre Primo, Red Drumhead, Kalibos, Primavoy, Tundra, and also either Hispi / Greyhound / Duncan
Cauliflower - Snowball, Graffiti & Trevi
Kale - Winterbor, Redbor & Black Tuscan
Mixed Sald CCA crop
Pak Choi - Ching Chang
Chinese Cabbage - The Blues
Raddichio - Indigo
Brussel Sprouts - need a fairly short stemmed variety
Aubergine - Black Beauty
Assorted herbs - already decided which ones but too lazy to type them out.
Whaddya think ? Any comments or variety suggestions most welcome. Please bear in mind that my first aim is to fill approx 50 veg boxes per week, ( so I have to grow in sufficient quantities for this and hopefully expand to 70 per week by the end of summer 2009) my second aim is to supply a minimum of 17 Farmers Market Stalls + 3 other events, my third aim is to supply the hotel that are granting me use of the walled garden and my last aim is to try and slow down a bit
Bear in mind also that I have will also have strawberries, blackcurrant and rhubarb to supplement the above, as well as tree fruit - apples, plums and pears,
Broad Beans - Witkiem Manita
Runner Beans - Enorma & Lady Di
French Beans - Climbing Blue Lake
Peas - Kelvedon Wonder & Onward
Courgette - Defender, Ambassador & Taxi
Cucumber - Femspot & Pepinex 69
Swiss Chard
Perpetual Spinach
Spinach - Medina
Celery - Golden Self Blanching & Green Sleeve
Celeriac - Giant Prague
Swede - Gowrie
Turnip - Purple Top Milan
Calabrese - Marathon & Iron Man
Beetroot - Moneta, Chiogga & Burpees Golden
Lettuce - Little Gem, Charita, Amorina, Saladin, GSB, RSB
Rocket - Skyrocket
Radish - Tarzan & Long White Icicle
PSB - Early Purple Sprouting
Globe Artichoke
Jerusalem Artichoke - Gerard (if I can find any

Potatoes - Lady Christl, Sharpes Express, Duke of York
Chilli - Jalapeno, Scotch Bonnet, Cayenne
Sweet Pepper
Tomato - Gartenperle, Tumbling Ton Red & Yellow
Cabbage - Golden Acre Primo, Red Drumhead, Kalibos, Primavoy, Tundra, and also either Hispi / Greyhound / Duncan
Cauliflower - Snowball, Graffiti & Trevi
Kale - Winterbor, Redbor & Black Tuscan
Mixed Sald CCA crop
Pak Choi - Ching Chang
Chinese Cabbage - The Blues
Raddichio - Indigo
Brussel Sprouts - need a fairly short stemmed variety
Aubergine - Black Beauty
Assorted herbs - already decided which ones but too lazy to type them out.
Whaddya think ? Any comments or variety suggestions most welcome. Please bear in mind that my first aim is to fill approx 50 veg boxes per week, ( so I have to grow in sufficient quantities for this and hopefully expand to 70 per week by the end of summer 2009) my second aim is to supply a minimum of 17 Farmers Market Stalls + 3 other events, my third aim is to supply the hotel that are granting me use of the walled garden and my last aim is to try and slow down a bit

Bear in mind also that I have will also have strawberries, blackcurrant and rhubarb to supplement the above, as well as tree fruit - apples, plums and pears,