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Allotment Rents


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  • #31
    i have two plots put into one when i took them on last year they where so badley over grown and vandalised that the council said they wont charge for first year it should have been 50.00 per plot
    and true to their word they havent charged but my first rent which is in may has gone up to 65.00 per plot lol
    i have no stand pipe for water but allotment does go onto river so suppose i got runnin water there lol
    i have had to do lot of work though and still not ready
    my lotty is on a hill so lot of levelling to do and it actually hadnt been touch for about 15 to 20 years before i took it there are some pics in my albums that shows after i cut all brambles down and can see still need work i will post some more with progression lol
    dont take for granted that you hold dear
    for once its gone you will miss it
    and thats to late


    • #32
      gosh there seems to be a very marked north south divide here in the rent prices it would seem the further south you go the cheaper it gets

      ours is
      �28 per plot and �10 water charge there is a loo but its not offically ours it is funded by the community plot (as they having people with disablities)

      i dont think there has been an increase in rent for a couple of years
      no vat as not a commercial enterprise


      • #33
        thank you everyone for your help...........there does appear to be some very expensive rents in the country.........I will be putting a summary together for my research and I will put a copy on ere. I am lobbying the government over healthy eating and allotment rents.
        Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


        • #34
          can i just ask,

          what is a rod?

          only just got an allotment so terminology is lost on me just now sorry.


          my rent is �40 per year payable in 2 instalments every 6 months, water included plot is approx 70 x 40 feet.
          no other aminities
          price increase of �2 - so i've been informed
          no VAT as i know of
          Linda xxx


          • #35
            I pay �65 for a 10 pole plot which includes the �11 water rate (water is turned off from October till April).
            No extras - shop, toilet, equipment.


            • #36
              Grrh don't you just hate it when you spend ages typing something and it disappears. I don't know if it will be posted here or not. Anyway, I'm not going to type it all again, Have a looksee at our website. It will show what our local Council has been up to as regards allotment rents and what we have done about it. There are details on the site of the rents payable in the main cities in Scotland if anyone cares to dig deep enough.

              Last edited by Aberdeenplotter; 30-01-2009, 04:55 PM.


              • #37
                �16 full plot
                don,t know


                • #38
                  In process of setting up new allotments here. The rent will be �60 year for a
                  4m x 40m plot. Mains water provisionally included for the first year.(to be reviewed in 12 months Its a private
                  allotment,ie not council run. Hopefully no rent increase anytime soon as were paying quite enough anyway, oh and no VAT


                  • #39
                    allotment rent

                    Originally posted by allotmentlady View Post
                    thank you everyone for your help...........there does appear to be some very expensive rents in the country.........I will be putting a summary together for my research and I will put a copy on ere. I am lobbying the government over healthy eating and allotment rents.
                    i recently got an allotment and was amazed how low the rent is.
                    �28.00 per year for a 250 square meter plot with running water.i have been informed that the pensioners on the site get a 50 percent reduction. also a lot of plots got flooded 18 months ago and was given a further reduction in rent of 50 percent as a way of compensation . �28 - 50% = �14. �14 - 50% = �7. this equates to around 13.5 pence per week.
                    a lot of the old sods are still not happy with this and their demands are hillerious. what the hell do they want ? personally i think the rents should be around �4 per week . that way the council can actually make a profit and maintain the sites properly.


                    • #40
                      Allotment rents

                      Goodness me, there is always one isn't there. As if it wasn't bad enough having greedy councillors try to screw every penny out of allotments we have one of our own coming out in support. Remember the Allotments legislation was originally drawn up to try to ensure that the poor had land available so that they could grow their own food. The wording of the 1898 act clearly points towards peppercorn rents so we should all be pointing this out to our Councils. Remember also that rent is only the start of a plotters annual expenditure. Add in the cost of seed, plants fertilisers etc and at the end of the year that comes to a fearful figure. Yes, home grown fruit and veg is better for us and allotments are good for our general health and well being but it must be at reasonable cost. �200 which approximates �4 a week buys a goodly amount of mass produced supermarket veg. Allotments contribute greatly to the community in terms of health, education,social and in other matters such as recycling, co2 reduction, reduction of food miles and much more. Councils need to recognise all of the aforementioned and pay to encourage allotments.

                      Feel free to discuss


                      • #41
                        allotment rent

                        yes �200,00 sounds quiet reasonable to me . hope the council puts up the rent a bit more , it might get rid of a few more moaning old gits,ha ha.
                        Last edited by pottin shedz rockin; 02-02-2009, 05:07 PM.


                        • #42
                          My bill for 2008/9 was �25 for a three-pole plot, including water, NSALG membership and I think a nominal sum for public liability insurance. I don't have a breakdown of it, unfortunately, and I can't find the previous years' bills. It's a nice site, not too far from home with decent soil and little vandalism, so 50p a week seems very reasonable for a plot as big as our back garden!

                          Ours is a privately-run site rented from the council; rents were adjusted slightly following last year's AGM because the former secretary (a very elderly gentleman) had a rather idiosyncratic approach to setting prices!


                          • #43
                            I pay �35 per plot which includes water but nothing else. My two plots are around 90ft x 20ft.

                            Live each day as if it was your last because one day it will be


                            • #44
                              I pay �6.90 for my plot which is 2.3 rods (�3 per rod). It is roughly 30' x 30'. There is water in the form of a tap. No other facilities and not allowed to erect shed, greenhouse or fences. There is no mention of VAT and there has been no increase of rent in the 3 years I have had it. If it wasn't on a pretty steep slope and the soil very poor, it would be the bargain of the century.


                              • #45
                                hi i pay �29.70 for 125 sq m plot. i have a discount thing called a passport for leisure. we have water taps spread round the site, nothing else. i don't think its gone up and i don't think we are charged VAT but i could be wrong. oh and all the bricks i dig up are free to keep.


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