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Allotment Rents


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  • #46
    Ours is 10p per sq metre mine for this year is �17.50 plus we all pay a membership fee of �5 but this has only been introduced this year. All water is included and no VAT. In the 3 years I have been there we have had no price increases, we are managed by a committee of members who deal directly with the council


    • #47
      I have just paid �9 for my half plot. Water is included (a tap, no hosepipes allowed) at present, though this may change. There are no toilets, I too have a bucket is a shed since I discovered that there is a footpath on the other side of the brambles that I spent months cutting down!! We have use of a petrol strimmer and mower but I bought my own strimmer as it was a real nuisance tracking it down. Rises in rent are intermittant and decided by the allotment association who seem to be pretty much left to get on with it by the council. No VAT at least I don't think so.


      • #48
        I pay �20 for a 10 rod plot (I think) it's 30ft by 60ft, a half size plot. We do have a tap either end of the site, no extra charge for this or for using hosepipes.

        No extra services like cutting the grass or shop. No committee either, which I see as a good thing.


        • #49
          allotment rent

          i pay local council �26 per yr for a 250 sq yds plot with water fenced with lock up gate. i think good value


          • #50
            i paid �12 for the first 18 months, then in my second year i paid �35 from this october it is going up to �56, we have no water no road just a mud track so you can image what it is like at the moment!!
            and i don't about the vat our plot is 30' x 175'
            Last edited by fentiger; 11-02-2009, 05:52 PM.


            • #51
              Our rates in Worcester are �32 for a full plot per annum rising in October to �35.
              At present we do not pay for water and there are standpipes every 3-4 plots.
              There are no facilities on site and because our council, like most around the country, are having to make massive savings this coming year, we cannot get any assistance with path maintenance, spare plot strimming, skips or anything at all. We do however have a superb gardening store run by volunteers that provide all requirements for our 26 sites at a very competitive rate. No VAT charged on allotments. Hope this helps


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