This mornings post held Council Allotment Committee minutes and agenda for Mondays meeting.
In them I find that my council landlord is proposing to close it's allotment waiting list, due to the current demand level, with over one hundred people on the list.
Is this legal for "statuatory allotments" provided under the various Allotment Acts by a Town Council?
At the moment I think that they are not allowed to do this, but I need to know whether they can as I believe that this is a knee-jerk reaction by the Councillors acting without knowledge.
Please no comments about whether this is fair or not, I know it is unfair, they can cap demand rather than it build up to the level where people would be justified in asking for a previously closed site to be re-opened.
What I need is a straight accurate factual answer for the meeting being held on Monday evening 2nd Feb 2009.
In them I find that my council landlord is proposing to close it's allotment waiting list, due to the current demand level, with over one hundred people on the list.

Is this legal for "statuatory allotments" provided under the various Allotment Acts by a Town Council?
At the moment I think that they are not allowed to do this, but I need to know whether they can as I believe that this is a knee-jerk reaction by the Councillors acting without knowledge.
Please no comments about whether this is fair or not, I know it is unfair, they can cap demand rather than it build up to the level where people would be justified in asking for a previously closed site to be re-opened.
What I need is a straight accurate factual answer for the meeting being held on Monday evening 2nd Feb 2009.