I've got a smallish plot (probably about 14m x 4m), so we decided to buy 2.4m long x 6" wide gravel boards (I know I've got imperial and metric all going on at the same time - I can't help it, sorry). So our beds are 2.4 long (this gives us a narrow access path down one side and a wide one (big enough to get a wheelbarrow down) on the otherside.) and they are 90cm wide. This is a comfortable width for me to reach across and they aren't so long that I'm tempted to step on the bed rather than walk round, which would compact the soil.
Each bed is 2 boards high (thus 12"), and the pegs in the corners and midway down the lengths of the beds are another 9" ish taller than that. This means that we can put an extra board on a bed if its having root crops in it during that rotation for extra depth, though saying that, my parsnips don't seem to mind the clay subsoil at all and burrow straight down into it.
I also have a small bed with my Rhubarb in it, coz that doesn't need rotating obviously. I don't have any other soft fruit or perrenials at the lottie, though I suspect these could be grown in the open ground with lovely thick mulches of compost to feed and help suppress the weeds. I'm sure others will advise here.
There are ready made raised bed kits on the market, but these are the expensive option and probably only realistic for someone looking to use raised beds in a small area.
I hope that helps.
Each bed is 2 boards high (thus 12"), and the pegs in the corners and midway down the lengths of the beds are another 9" ish taller than that. This means that we can put an extra board on a bed if its having root crops in it during that rotation for extra depth, though saying that, my parsnips don't seem to mind the clay subsoil at all and burrow straight down into it.
I also have a small bed with my Rhubarb in it, coz that doesn't need rotating obviously. I don't have any other soft fruit or perrenials at the lottie, though I suspect these could be grown in the open ground with lovely thick mulches of compost to feed and help suppress the weeds. I'm sure others will advise here.
There are ready made raised bed kits on the market, but these are the expensive option and probably only realistic for someone looking to use raised beds in a small area.
I hope that helps.