Anyone tried it or knows anything about it (yes...other than it comes from zoos!)
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zoo poo
All animal manures will improve the texture and quality of your soil and contain small amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. I belive that Elephant poo is very rich. I have heard that some people use Lion Poo to keep cats and dogs off their ground. I would imagine that other large zoo carnivores poo would also be good for this use. Original solution for zoo waste
There is a problem with sorces of poo if you don't know what the animals have eaten.This herbicide is used to kill broadleaf weeds and the residue from this chemical could be present on hay and straw that WPZ uses for feedstock and bedding. This chemical, called clopyralid (klo-PEER-uh-lid), is non-toxic to humans and animals. However, it is very persistent and is not neutralized after passing through the animal nor in the manure composting processClopyralid
Sorry I cant be more helpful.
Thanks for that. I have been in touch with a few zoos so far and paignton is the only one so far who sell their poo, and it is more of a soil improver than neat treated dung, and it is a mixture of several types of herbivour. Anyone know if their local zoo sells prepared or raw manure?
Your article on different types of manure has got me thinking (oh dear!!) as we have a pile of cow muck;one of sheep muck; droppings from our bunnies and also from our horse. Rather than just chuck it on anywhere, it would be sensible to use your advice and put it in more specific areas depending on the crop. We also have a lama farm nearby too! (I wonder what crops that would be good for?!).Our Swedish friend says they use Elk and Moose droppings as sheep,cows and pigs are in short supply near the arctic circle! I always thought muck was muck ...but obviosly not quite!"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Llama droppings
Not quite Llamas but I read somewhere recently about alpacca droppings (very similar type of animal) and as I recall, the droppings were like pellets, and were being recommended for hanging baskets.
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
There is a small item in this months GYO mag - Colchester zoo are now selling white rhino sh*t - their four rhinos produce 20 barrowloads a day. Apparently it has a texture like hay(that MUST hurt). Visit their website www. for more details
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
Some zoo's will give out there waste, I remember a few years back asking at Chester Zoo and being told that it couldn't due to health & safety and the risk of spreading toxic shock from waste (especially lions). Which makes me wonder, what the hell are they feeding these poor animals? If Rhinos produce 20 barrow loads a day, it must be a bum job cleaning up after the Elephants (terrible pun).Best wishes
Harbinger of Rhubarb tales
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