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  • #16
    I'm pleased for you vicki, to coin a phrase from LJ "Welcome to the madhouse"
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper


    • #17
      if we 'blast' the mares tail, I assume it'll take a few blasts, then how long before we can plant there? And if we don't, is it going to create HUGE problems, or can we just keep cutting it back (I am guessing we will never have a chance of digging it out!)

      We are getting a seed catalogue off the allotment society, and we also get a discount card for one of the local garden centres! Fab - all for �12 a year ! Yep, the bloke who had it before started off ok but then changed jobs and didn't have the time to keep up the work so had the plot taken off him in the end - shame as theres loads there under the weeds! Went to show my 8yr old this afternoon and found some beetroot, a cold frame, and some cloches! aas well as the potatoes, carrots, parsnips, cabbages etc that we found earlier! The runner bean poles are still up with a few beans (looking a bit stringy though!!!), so lots to play with!

      Can't wait to start planning! And the kids are really excited too as they've seen all the pumpkins on the other plots! Now the hard work begins..........
      smiling is infectious.... updated 28th May 2008


      • #18
        so what shall I do with the mares tail?
        smiling is infectious.... updated 28th May 2008


        • #19
          thanks for all the good luck! Hope the weathers going to be good as I'm off down to my patch tomorrow - gonna dig up the veg thats there and then its 'war on the weeds'!
          smiling is infectious....

 updated 28th May 2008


          • #20
            Congratulations vicki. That is really great and it's fab that the kids are excited too. Don't forget to give them their own bit to look after. Who know what will come of that. You've got a great start there and it will help with next year's planning.

            Great advice from NTG , but then he is a guru and I have to say I would agree with him completely on those 4 points.

            Enjoy and happy gardening.
            Bright Blessings

            If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


            • #21
              Hi vicki, good luck with your new plot, it's really exciting getting going. We've had ours for a year now & we love it. Not sure about the mares tail as our bugbear is bindweed, but if Nick says glyphosate then nuke it!! I guess its like bindweed & creeps back in. We put glyphosate on our worst bed about 2/3 weeks ago and it looks dead, but I'm not convinced!!! We'll probably cover the bed with a membrane til spring & see what happens.
              I think you can plant a couple of weeks after you've used the glyphosate but other threads will have more advice.

              HAVE FUN!!!


              • #22
                In theory you can plant sooner than that I think as the glyphosate is neutralised by contact with the ground. Maybe someone can confirm.
                Bright Blessings

                If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


                • #23
                  Its sunny today! I'm so pleased - we can go and get started now!

                  The kids are already planning their patch so are keen to help out at the moment. I'm glad to have a project the whole family can do together and it means lots of fresh air and exercise at the same time!

                  Good advice - thanks guys! A bit at a time is definately the way to go! Luckily we are doing it with friends so we can help each other along!
                  smiling is infectious....

         updated 28th May 2008


                  • #24
                    Have a good day Vicki - just don't over do it! I'm about to go into my back garden now and get stuck in as the sun is shining! excellent! DDL
                    Bernie aka DDL

                    Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                    • #25
                      well done vicky.

                      It seems you have almost a dream plot, next door to your mate and with a few crops as well.

                      Remember where all the current crops are though as you want to practice crop rotation and not plant in the same place next year.

                      As Re: the mares tail i have been spraying glyphosate on it where i work for years and and always manages to grow back, we have it covered over at the moment and this is affecting its regrowth back quite nicley, but as for how long it has to stay covered.... I'll let you know in about 5 years time.
                      Blogging at.....


                      • #26
                        thanks Seasprout!
                        We cleared a good patch yesterday and found a hoe and a rake under the weeds so thats a bonus!
                        The kids pulled up a load of carrots and beetroot so they were plessed with themselves!
                        We had a good walk round the site to have a look at what other people have done and came home feeling inspired! Its going to take a good while to clear the plot though!!! I'm glad we got it now so we have a chance to work on it before the spring.
                        smiling is infectious....

               updated 28th May 2008


                        • #27
                          Not got marestail, but mum has some in her garden. You can make a feed out of marestail - think I read that it strengthens plants and helps against disease. Not sure I'd want to try it. Also could be used as a pot-scourer!

                          I remember going to the plot with my father. I also used to love reading the seed catalogues - the ones with pretty pictures in. Rarely did I get a say in the variety, though I did win on the purple french bean.

                          Best of luck with it.
                          My Blog -
                          Photo Album -


                          • #28
                            Hey Vicki......... (spelt correctly this time)

                            You are having so much luck with your new plot at the moment you should find a big bag of gold coins any day now.
                            Blogging at.....


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