Initially this might appear just be an itsy witsy bit off topic but it occurred to me that lots of you allotmenteers probably have water 'on tap' to your allotments which are likely to be of the 'bib' tap variety.
My garden (bib) tap refuses to turn off completely, even having used a Molegrip on the handle, so have to resort to shutting it off via a stopcock. I'm just hoping that someone out there can enlighten me as to which nut gets turned (adjusted) to ensure the tap turns off and/or if it's a replacement washer I need, which nut do I undo to access its innards?
I'm on a water meter so a dripping taps costs me!
My garden (bib) tap refuses to turn off completely, even having used a Molegrip on the handle, so have to resort to shutting it off via a stopcock. I'm just hoping that someone out there can enlighten me as to which nut gets turned (adjusted) to ensure the tap turns off and/or if it's a replacement washer I need, which nut do I undo to access its innards?
I'm on a water meter so a dripping taps costs me!