Hi there i have just taken on an allotment and would like some advise o best things to plant and where to plant them.
I like and want to grow everything (part of the problem)
I have a half plot, have made 3 beds one side each 13ft x 11ft (left hand side of photo) and two 10x 6ft (on right)
The two left hand back beds i have added manure to.
the front bed (left) looks like it will mostly be shaded as there are trees and bushes (blackberry) growing. Just before this bed is where i have made a little pond where my son has added frogspawn.

I like and want to grow everything (part of the problem)
I have a half plot, have made 3 beds one side each 13ft x 11ft (left hand side of photo) and two 10x 6ft (on right)
The two left hand back beds i have added manure to.
the front bed (left) looks like it will mostly be shaded as there are trees and bushes (blackberry) growing. Just before this bed is where i have made a little pond where my son has added frogspawn.
