Well what can i say being fairly new to this game having got our first plot in August which is all dug/weeded/bedded/shedded etc etc and looking mighty fine was up there at the weekend as I just cant keep away plus needed cabbage for lunch! decided with OH another plot was required if we were to have room for fruit, we share our plot with some good friends, we were all in agreement then lo the allotment boss came trundling by and he was cornered and coerced until he finally agreed to give us another that I have to say no-one else would probably take on as it is close to overhanging tree/hedge bit of a funny shape, weeds head high
am I excited.. you bet
after much hilarity the boys started choping down overhanging branches etc weaving a fence with cutoffs as they went (the big branches will be goingon the open fire at christmas!) to give us a clearer picture we then decided we would have enough room for chickens too, allotment boss agreed all ok. so going from august when we thought it would be fun to have an allotment and grow a few veg to being completely smitten and having two so now not only will be have fruit and veg but eggs too and wood for the fire absolutely fantastic just wish I didnt have to go to work it sort of gets in the way a bit
