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Suppliers of seed potatoes, onion sets etc


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  • Suppliers of seed potatoes, onion sets etc

    I run the shop for our allotment association in Sutton Surrey

    I am looking for a supplier of seed potatoes, onion sets etc delevered to site.


  • #2
    Hi Ron, I suply seeds, potatoes, onions ect to all the big seed companies.
    If you want some seeds at the best possible price (they are already packaged) please PM me and I will send you some lists. We suply small quantitys, medium quanititys up to seeds by the ton
    Please Pm me!


    • #3
      Hi Adam

      I'm interested in potatoes small quantity though. Can you help me aswell?


      • #4
        Can Do, should I PM or email you a lsit through. I can suply any quanties from as little as one potato!


        • #5
          Yes please, email if you can as I'm leaving work now. Addy is in profile.

          Thanks very much.


          • #6
            Hi Adam - could you email me a list of the potatoes and onions as well please. Thanks v much


            • #7
              Bex I have emailed you and Martini I have PM'ed you.


              • #8
                Adam, didn't get the email, can you please pm to me thanks


                • #9
                  Can you pm me to please Adam! Last time I contacted you, you were out of what I was looking for! Thanks


                  • #10
                    Me too please Adam, or e-mail. I'm in need of garlic and shallots.
                    Bright Blessings

                    If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


                    • #11
                      Will do Squirrel, I will Pm you to earthbabe


                      • #12
                        [QUOTE=ronpaul1958 I run the shop for our allotment association in Sutton Surrey

                        I am looking for a supplier of seed potatoes, onion sets etc delevered to site.


                        Hi Ron,

                        Welcome to the Vine. I guess Adam has answered your question so can I make an observation.

                        Can I suggest you change your login name ( or ask one of the Mods to do it for you) from your e-mail address other wise you could find yourself bombarded with spam.

                        Apart from that all the best with the shop on the site, we've just re-opened ours after a 2 year closeure as we didn't have enough people on the site - we now have a waiting list!! What we sis was approach a local nursery (sorry Adam) & they gave us a good deal as we weren't trying to make a huge profit just generate a bit of money for the site.
                        Last edited by Lesley Jay; 12-10-2006, 09:35 AM.
                        Never be afraid to try something new.
                        Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                        A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                        • #13
                          I don't mind Nick ! But I do think that you should ask a mod to hange your username as you will be over run with spam as I get hundreads a day

                          Can I just say one thing, the seed comapnies buy the seeds (proberbly from someone we know) and then sell them to the garden centre and then they are selling on to you. Best to buy direct from the seeds from the producer (that we may know) and don't pay the big seed comapnies all of you money.


                          • #14
                            Do you two think I am daft? I put the request for a new user name to Admin at 2pm.


                            • #15
                              I don't think you want me to answer that question do you?


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