Hi - i've just aquired a half plot allotment 2 mins from my house so no excuses now, its not been worked for two years and was overgrown but the nice people from the committee have cut down the growth, but dont know where to start now....ive started digging over the beds which were there and found a pile of well rotted manure which i've dug into one bed. Now what do i just dig it all over and leave it until spring to start planting?? Ive got the 13year old wanting to plant something edible sooner rather than later anyone got any ideas. She was very impressed yesterday when we left as one of the other lottie holders gave us some beetroot has he had a glut
Any advice would be appreciated as I never did take notice of my dad when i should have

Any advice would be appreciated as I never did take notice of my dad when i should have
