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Back Injury = Digging Dilema


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  • #61
    Hi Wizer
    Hope all is well with your back, so frustrating. I am unable to work the allotment at the moment, not my back, other health probs- just small jobs like marking out beds lays me up for a while.
    The beds i have got done earlier this year where done with an Azada. Brilliant bit of kit! when using one you can change the way the stand and change the side of body you use, gives a good stretch, most of which is done in standing straight - only reason to bend is when wedding the area.
    We have 2 light weight one that has a hoe side and a 'digging' side and a heavy weight one - thought it would be his and hers, but the heavy one is so easy to use as the weight of the head does the work for you OH dont get a look in.

    got them from here

    Get fit soon
    Denise xox

    Learn from the mistakes of others because you'll never live long enough to make them all yourself.
    -- Alfred E. Neumann


    • #62
      Well famous last words for me!!!!

      After posting this morning I had a humdinger of a row with my other half and stormed off to the allotment for some peace and quiet.

      Still in the process of clearing the plot of weeds ( only got allotment earlier on this year)

      Spent four hours down there taking out my anger on the blasted weeds and putting in some over wintering onions that I found I had left. Not even sure if its too late for anything to come of these? Put some in in October and they have green stuff sprouting above the ground so I guess they have taken?? And I may actually get some onions in the spring? Or early summer? Hmmmmmmmm guess you can tell Im new to all this.

      Any how back to my clearing weeds which took most of my time.

      I skidded about in my wellies at times barely able to pick up my boot as it was caked in mud but plot looks a lot clearer and back is killing me!!!

      Knew Id done too much while I was doing it but my mood wouldnt let me give up and go home.

      Ahh well you live and learn eh?


      • #63
        Not really! We always seem to overdo it on the lottie- just love being there and find it so hard just to stop!
        Sorry your back is suffering -not nice
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • #64
          Lots of good advice here already, but do see a physiotherapist for advice on exercises. Some can be counter productive, like the elastic supports, which weaken your back as they do what you need to train your muscles to do.

          I would urge caution with an azada or any mattock type tool, the digging technique can lead to sudden contraction of muscles in the lower back as the blade downstroke starts and as the blade enters the ground, as well as when you do the twist to lift, which is not exactly what you want. And that is without the bending over.

          English garden spades and forks could not be worse designed unless you really tried, they force you to bend from the waist while lifting a heavy load on the end of a lever, which multiples the weight.

          An american style long handled spade is a safter bet, B&Q have some good ones at the mo', with rubber cased wooden handles, S&J or WS (can't remeber which) do a very good strong one. The technique with these is not to bend, stand up straight, push blade into ground with foot and lever with handle, keeping upright lift spade up to clear ground and roll load off blade, take little bites and often with the blade.

          I have L4 and L5 discs burst into the spinal column and do 15-20 minutes exercise every morning from a sheet given to me by my physiotherapist as well as a weekly session in a swimming pool doing underwater aerobics. NB Do not do breaststroke, again convulsive lower back movement from the kick.
          Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
          Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
          I support


          • #65
            Originally posted by Peter View Post
            .........NB Do not do breaststroke, again convulsive lower back movement from the kick.
            But I like stroking oh I see what you mean

            Wikinson sword do a spade that is adjustable in height so you can get one with a longer handle, that may help. What you really need is to look out for a Terex Spade as these are automatic. Bit odd to use at first. Put it in like normal pull the handle back & it flips the sod over for you. They onnly thing that goes on them is the springs but they can be sourced. I don't know why Terex stopped making them but they are good .... but rare as hens teeth
            Last edited by nick the grief; 17-11-2006, 07:39 AM.
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