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Setting up allotments advice wanted please!


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  • #31
    Originally posted by sez View Post
    and a toilet. Definitely a toilet (have a thought for us ladies!)
    Get yourself a She Pee.

    JOE Product Promotions presents the She Pee (P-mate).

    You could keep the compost bin nice and moist easier if you did.


    • #32
      Originally posted by cornishmaid View Post
      Not so sure about the idea of putting up sheds then charging more for the plot, what do others think?
      I think you should let the plot holders supply their own sheds. I don't know how much your thinking of charging per plot, but if it costs say �150 per shed, its gonna be a few years before you recoup any money if you buy the sheds for people. The best policy is to allow people to erect sheds, but on your terms, ie size and position.

      The idea of bore holes for water is a good idea I think. Thats more important than sheds.


      • #33
        Thanks dynamo, those were my thoughts too, I am going to limit sheds to 6x8 feet and greenhouses the same, one of each per plot, we will be bringing water to the site with a bowser so there should be plenty to go round! I dont think boreholes would work here as it is quite a way above the water table.


        • #34
          Originally posted by sez View Post
          My ideal lottie would have a standard shed on each one (cus I'm a neat freak and hate the ramshackle thing ) and a toilet. Definitely a toilet (have a thought for us ladies!) . I don't know how practical/expensive it would be but what about a summer house type construction where people could sit and have a cuppa together?
          Lol if only. I use a bucket in my shed as most of us ladies dothat have the luxary of a shed. at first I thought no way am I doing that then when I was desperate I had no option. The nearest loo for me is at a local park just a couple of mins drive away or Sainsburys a bit further. So far I have been lucky enough not to have to pay to park the car lol
          Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
          and ends with backache


          • #35
            Originally posted by jackie j View Post
            Lol if only. I use a bucket in my shed as most of us ladies dothat have the luxary of a shed.
            I hope you pour it in your compost bin.


            • #36
              One question===Have you soken to the planners about a "change of use"...I know its all agricultural but allotments are coverd by the 1952 Allotment Act.

              If they planners want to be arsie they could demand drawings for a change of use.
              My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


              • #37
                Originally posted by Spiderling View Post
                Hi CornishMaid. Are you thinking along the lines of having an Allotment association for your site, with committee etc. when you get set up? This could be a big help for you, <snip>

                I was thinking about this suggestion. There could be another benefit to having an association. You may be eligible for lottery grants for things like fences etc. My friends allotment association have been given money for fences, CCTV and even a computer. All they need now is to find a use for the computer. I'll have to tell them about this gardening forum.


                • #38
                  would an allotment ascociation work on a private site though?


                  • #39
                    Hi Cornishmaid. I can't see why not. Everyone's aims are the same and it helps if folk can all work together to achieve it.
                    I'd give up chocolate but I'm no quitter!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by cornishmaid View Post
                      would an allotment ascociation work on a private site though?
                      Becareful they don't use it as a stick to beat you. Its good in that you could get the association to do all the admin and cllect the rents but then they have one voice for things they want.
                      My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                      • #41
                        Good luck with your new endeavour. Sounds like your plot holders will be lucky to have you as their landlady!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by NOG View Post
                          Becareful they don't use it as a stick to beat you. Its good in that you could get the association to do all the admin and cllect the rents but then they have one voice for things they want.
                          That was my worry, I do want to provide what people want but want to be in control overall to ensure smooth running and that it dosent get to 'cliquey' as that puts new people off, so I think on balance I wont start an ascociation but will run things ourselves.

                          thanks for your thoughts


                          • #43
                            I would go for a suggestion box, or make yourself the chairman.
                            My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                            • #44
                              Good idea NOG I like the sound of a suggestion box!


                              • #45
                                If you get the relationship right they won't feel the need for an association, except perhaps to get discounted seeds etc, it is more likely to be you that wants it to help relieve you of the burden of rent collection ! If you find that you are talking to them individually on a frequent casual basis, socialise, and that the same folk tend to be bringing up concerns, being proactive - you have an informal association, and that is how things will work best, as long as the personalities don't conflict.
                                What I would say is, perhaps you want to give some sort of formal structure to a complaints procedure, so that people know exactly where they stand and what to expect. Someday, you will get a moaning minnie, and you need to find a way to address this with the help of his/her peers on the site. That is just natural justice, IMO.
                                There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

                                Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


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