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  • #16
    Originally posted by ashymark View Post
    Think I have got most of the harder stuff done after 2 solid days weeding. Found it much easier to let them grow a little bit and then I had more to grab hold of to make sure it came out whole.

    Thats my philosphy too. Hand weed as much as possible, but don't worry about the bits you leave in because once the soil is broken up, its easier to manage. Then all you need to do is keep a close eye on the patch and the perenial weeds soon come sprouting, almost as if they are saying "We are here. Come and get us" which I do gladly. Usually the whole root that you missed the first time comes up very easily.


    • #17
      Thanks for all the advice, we've been there every day and it's looking better each time. One greenhouse is cleared out and the tomatoes are doing well, the fruit cage is prepared and two beds have been cleared and dug over. My own mission was to clear the paths and I am delighted to say they are clear of weeds! We are both shattered though!


      • #18
        I got my plot (300 sq m) last Sept (uncultivated for about 8 to 9 years) loads of rubbish to clear and god knows what else. Have about 1/3 cleared and planted now and it is starting to look like an allotment, even have a shed being delivered next Monday. it's coming together now and I just plod along digging and weeding by hand. It will be worth it, although longer I admit, but the weeds in my cultivated beds ain't growing as much as those who have chosen to rotavate etc. I was tempted myself (briefly) but so glad I haven't done it. Good luck with your lottie!


        • #19
          Hi EANDR,

          Well Done, you are so lucky, greenhouses and a shed, I just got 10years worth of weeds and a forest of raspberry canes! I strimmed and then dug, didn't even consider rotovating
          as there was a lot of couch and bind weed I also covered it with black plastic until I could get digging. Was well worth the effort, I'm now in my third season and most of the weeds are new additions not perennials coming up. Enjoy it, you'll soon be as obsessed as the rest of us!
          Last edited by Lottieval; 25-05-2009, 07:38 PM.


          • #20
            I got an allotment full of blackberry bushes. I did everything I could to get out of hard work I tried round up I tried setting it on fire. In the end I chopped it down and pulled the roots out by hand.


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