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Private Allotment Rent


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  • Private Allotment Rent

    I spotted a sign advertising private allotments yesterday, they're 18 miles away from me but the only ones I can find - too far really but I was interested to find out more.

    I've just called them - the rent is �200 per year for a 10mx10m unserviced bit of field. Am I really mean or is this the going rate for an unestablished private allotment site?

  • #2
    We're on a private allotment and the rent is �22 (including water). �200 seem an awful lot for a 10x10 plot, I'm not sure exactly what ours is, but I would guess at least three times that size. You'd struggle to get �200 worth of veg out of a piece of land so small, plus there's the 36 mile round trip and the travel costs that would imply (say �3 every trip). If you go just 3 times a week that would be the best part of another �500 per year. If you got home and realized you'd forgotten a leek are you more likely to go back for one or nip to the nearest shop? The first would make it a very expensive leek, the second would mean growing them was pointless. All this before you even bought a seed. I know we shouldn't put an economic value on our allotments, after all how many others do with their hobbies? And you'd have to consider things that can't be quantified by anyone else, such as how much a plot would mean to your own happiness, how likely you are to get something nearer and/or cheaper and what you actually want the allotment for. But from a purely financial point of view I'd say it was very expensive indeed.
    Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


    • #3
      Thanks for that BM.

      I told the lady that our council allotments were approx �45 a year for a much larger, established plots and did say to that the rent would be considerably more than the value of the fruit and veg - she didn't seem to get the point. I reckoned on on three trips a week also at a gallon per trip - just not feasible, too much time lost travelling and the environmental costs too.

      Had a word with the groundsman at the gold course who knows all the farmers in the area, he's going to see if there's anyone I can approach. I already have my garden and my neighbours but when we move to our new house later this year my garden our new garden will be much smaller although I will be keeping on my elderly neighbour's garden. No major rush, happy to take my time and find the right place.


      • #4
        That's very expensive. I read somewhere that on average you save about �500 in shopping by growing your own fruit and veg in a year. So half that savings plus transport lost? nah! updated 10-03-2010 with homebrew pics & allotment pics


        • #5
          A bit of a rip of methinks �200 for a small plot thats 5 plots per �1000 that is 40 plots per acre that is �8000 per acre thats a nice little earner .
          I pay �26 for a 10x30 plot less OAP discount �13 per year or �26 because i have 2 plots .
          Some body had a get rich quick idea....jacob
          What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
          Ralph Waide Emmerson


          • #6
            What a rip off! Obviously jumping on the bandwagon.

            Could allotment-renting take over from Buy-to-Let?!


            • #7
              It's actually a large country estate that's using one of it's fields.

              They've put a fence around he field and I believe there's a tap, but that's it. They've been available for months but none appear to be taken - dispite there being an article in the paper a few months ago and a huge banner at the side of a busy road.

              I'm guessing that a few people have called up and got as big a shock as I did. The local councillor was featured in the press release and he's supposedly taking one but there's no sign of life on the plots/field.
              Last edited by amandaandherveg; 25-05-2009, 02:52 PM.


              • #8
                We have a private plot in Cheshire .
                No facilities- it's a full allotment size and costs about �20 per year.
                They're being greedy!! They don't deserve to get them rented out
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • #9
                  Ours is private - the land belongs to the village church. The plots are �14 per year (a bit smaller than a standard allotment) and there's a tank on the site. I think someone is cashing in!
                  Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

         Updated March 9th - Spring


                  • #10
                    every one is now jumping on the bandwagon.
                    My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by NOG View Post
                      every one is now jumping on the bandwagon.
                      I've got a small bit of garden for rent if anyone can afford it...........

                      (cash only)


                      • #12
                        I tried to buy a bit of land to grow stuff on but they either want to sell you some with planning permission for a fotune. Or in the hope it will get permission at some point in the future for a....fortune.
                        My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                        • #13
                          ~I have just set up some private allotments on my land, we are charging �100 a year for an approx 10x100 yard plot we provide water, maintain the carpark and childrens play/communal areas will have a community orchard on site and hope to be able to put more facilities on site as we progress, we started just over 2 weeks ago as some people may remember as I posted here and got lots of great advice, we have so far filled over half our plots and have people coming over the next few days to look at taking on plots, I admit we do want to be able to make some money from the allotments, as we want to be able to keep our land. It does seem as if these people are being rather greedy asking for twice the rent for 1/3 of the size plot! we based our prices on the average for our area, some charge up to twice as much as us one eve �1.09 per square meter of plot! �8000 per acre every year is in my opinion being very greedy I wouldnt feel right charging that sort of price myself


                          • #14
                            I'm afraid I've lost it on the maths here, or have I?
                            A 10x100 yard plot (=1000 sq yds) is over 1/5 th of an acre, which at �100 per year is very good value.
                            A standard allotment plot is defined as 10 poles (also called a rod or a perch), a pole being a stick 5.5 yards long. Multiplied out, that comes to 302.5 square yards per plot which is exactly one sixteenth of an acre.


                            • #15
                              tis 10m x 10m =100 sq metres rana- not 10m x 100m
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


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