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  • help!!!!

    hi folks,

    finally getting round to sorting out my very first allotment
    but i haven't got a clue what to look for!
    the local council have sent me a list too choose from, but its just a list of addresses??
    i would like to grow soft berries and fruits, and need to know which soil types and land orintation would give best results for a seedling like myself, its all abit dornting if i'm honest, are there any recommeded book's for such a project?
    any advice will be greatly appriecated.

    many thanx lincolnrich.

  • #2
    I think you will be lucky to be able to pick you soil type.

    If I had a choice I would first look at location. As close to home as poss, the ease of access. you dont want to push a ton of manure up a track on a hill. Facilites, Running water, Carpark, Shop, Cafe, Toilets.

    So Pick your Site first then look at the free plots on the site. and take the best.

    Our site is now full and the neighbouring borough Bromley has a 13 year waiting list. So we have people driving 10 miles over to us willing to take anything. one bloke took a peice of fill in that had been used as a dumping ground. It was an odd shape and not a full size plot and covered in pallets, water tanks, tree stumps with a strong covering of brambles. And he was very happy to have it.

    My 1st plot was 3 inch topsoil with yellow clay below when I took it now I can grow anything on it. You just have to improve on what you are given.
    My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


    • #3
      I agree with NOG, a plot close to home which is secure would be my first choice. I have never been fortunate enough to have toilets.

      Look for a plot that has been worked recently and take a fork to turn over a spit and see how good the drainage is. Weeds can be cleared but a waterlogged spot is very difficult to improve.

      Ask anyone on the plots about the history and what grows well. Look at what others have in the ground, veg will be scarce at this time of year but soft fruit plants should still be easy to spot.

      "If you think you can, or think you can't, you're right" Henry Ford.


      • #4
        many thanks

        here in lincoln there are 7 allotment sites within 20 mins walk form the centre which all have vacancies, 3 of them have 5 plots or more which are vacant,
        hence the advice on what to look out for is greatly appreciated, and i hope i didn't give anyone the impression that i was being a pickie ungrateful *****



        • #5
          I would stay clear of plots that are full of perennial weeds ie Couch Grass,Bindweed, and the worst one of all Mares Tail. Ideally the plots either side should not be overgrown either.
          A shed would be a bonus and a greenhouse if you want to grow plants indoors would be nice.
          A high fence around whole site with lockable gates would be good. If the individual plot was fenced the fences could be utilised for fruit bushes etc.
          A good indication of the soil type and what grew well there would be evident from the the soil and what was growing on ajacent plots.
          Brassica growing can be curtailed considerably if clubroot is prevalent on site.
          If heaps of muck are evident there is probably a good source nearby.
          A slightly sloping south facing plot without any shady trees around would be a help. You would Definately require water on site. Cost could be a consideration and access for your car if need be.
          Loads of other considerations which have already been mentioned could also be pertinent to you!

          Sorry for the length of the reply, but you did ask!
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • #6
            I think it is like houses....what are the neighbours like and you get the feel of a plot.

            When I took my plot I was offered the choice of 8. they were all of the same but one had Plum and damson trees on one end so I took that.
            My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


            • #7
              Everybody wants south facing, well watered , free draining, friable loam. Nobody's getting it. You have to look at it from your point of view. If the council have given you addresses, go and look at them all and see how they would suit you. Remember, you can change everything - except the location and the neighbours. Hope you get something super.

              From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


              • #8
                I would suggest close to home is good. Room to park car if you need to move stuff back and forwards.

                I find a shed is useful, saves carrying tools back and forwards. Thankfully we don't have too much problem with vandalism.

                I would suggest a plot close to water supply. In the height of summer you will be doing a lot of watering, this means lots of trips from plot to tap and back.

                Sounds like your greatest problem will be choosing with such an array of sites and plots.

                Good luck

                Its worth it.

                Watch for drainage problems. On my site there a few plots that are fine when its dry but are unusable at certain times of the year due to rain.


                • #9
                  As Snadger out for too much shade from trees.
                  Good luck (exciting isn't it??)
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • #10
                    Hi we got our first plot this year it had loads of weeds we had a choice of 2 sites we picked the frendyist one the outher site was like the legue of gentelmen (are you local) sprang to mind
                    and its only 5 min drive
                    the book we got is The expert veg and herb Dr.D.G.Hessayon
                    there are in all the garden centers �7.99 But if you go to B & Q its only �5.99
                    if you have any Questions just ask anyone on hear
                    Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


                    • #11
                      Good book recommendation Dobby. I have it too and find it invaluable.

                      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                      • #12
                        hi lincolnrich:

                        close to home
                        not too many perenial weeds
                        water supply

                        and be quick, you should be looking to get some winter digging done asap.



                        • #13
                          Agree with all of the above. Take a wander round, chat with other plotholders, tey will be the best ones to tell you how the site is managed, if there are problems with vandalism etc.

                          Happy choosing.
                          Kirsty b xx


                          • #14

                            thank you all so very much for all your advice, sooooo much to think about, i've arranged to view 7 plots so fingers crossed, wont be long before i'm up to my nee's in it. i'll keep you posted!!!


                            • #15
                              Hope you get a nice plot . Some times one full of cooch etc can be the best
                              ones if you cover it or put weed killer down it can be dug out.
                              The force is strong in this one!


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