FWIW I've decided to go partly beds and partly rows
My reasoning is fairly straight forward really,some plants seem to do just as well in beds as rows,onions, salads, strawberries etc
Others like cabbage and brussels which a, grow big and b,like compact soil would seem to go against being put into a small bed.
Spuds,they surely must go in a row
,i thought the idea of a bed raised or not way to avoid digging,well i cant see how you avoid digging at least twice to get the crop out
The one crop that im not sure of are runners,a lady on our plot has them in beds,but not as you would expect
Its a very simple idea but IMHO brilliant,imagine two beds side by side with a 3ft gap between them,your path.The poles are placed in each bed and joined above the path,so you can walk down the path to pick your beans and not tread on the beds.The other advantage is the rest of the bed can be planted in full light.Hopefully the diagram below will explain
Seems so simple to me,unless im missing something

My reasoning is fairly straight forward really,some plants seem to do just as well in beds as rows,onions, salads, strawberries etc
Others like cabbage and brussels which a, grow big and b,like compact soil would seem to go against being put into a small bed.
Spuds,they surely must go in a row

The one crop that im not sure of are runners,a lady on our plot has them in beds,but not as you would expect
Its a very simple idea but IMHO brilliant,imagine two beds side by side with a 3ft gap between them,your path.The poles are placed in each bed and joined above the path,so you can walk down the path to pick your beans and not tread on the beds.The other advantage is the rest of the bed can be planted in full light.Hopefully the diagram below will explain
Seems so simple to me,unless im missing something
