Just recently all my potato crop has been affected by a 'virus'. It has now affected all my tomatoes planted in the greenhouse border which were well mucked too. Strangely though, considering it was supposed to be an airborne virus, the two chaps either side of me -who have not mucked their plots, have not been affected but the next door but one plot has - and he did use the same manure.
I would love to know if anyone has been affected with contaminated manure and how they overcame the problem and how soon did they plant on the affected areas. And, very importantly, did they eat the crops that were grown on those areas.
Any of your comments would be very gratefully received

I would love to know if anyone has been affected with contaminated manure and how they overcame the problem and how soon did they plant on the affected areas. And, very importantly, did they eat the crops that were grown on those areas.
Any of your comments would be very gratefully received
