[FONT="Verdana"]Hi, I haven�t posted on here before but I am hoping that one of you wonderful, kind and knowledgable grapes will give me some advice please.
I was offered my 5 rod allotment back in February this year after only being on the waiting list since September 2008, and was told that I wouldn�t have to pay rent until April 2010 as the plot was overgrown. Slight understatement
The 12-15 ft high brambles were so dense I couldn�t actually stand on any part of the plot, only on the paths around the edge. Anyway I set about chopping down the brambles, to find that most of the inside of the plot is covered with Hawthorn and Oak trees. Some Hawthorn I managed to cut down but on the 20ish feet I have cleared there are still 12 or so trees, as well as a cherry plum tree and a huge grape vine (I was thrilled with these).
As I work full time, I have been going to the lottie at the weekendsand some evenings, and it has been a very slow process without anyone to help me. As mentioned, I have managed to clear about 20-25 ft of brambles and burnt them on a huge bonfire. I then sprayed the remainder with round-up, covered with tarpaulins and left the beasts to die for a couple of weeks or, so I thought.
Three weeks ago I received a �Notice to Remedy� my plot as it was in a �neglected condition�, and they gave me ten days to start cultivating
One of the other plot holders had previously told me he thought my plot was the worst on the site (90 plots) and hadn�t been used for years before I got it, and judging by the size of some of the trees I think he�s right! I called the council and they kindly decided to give me a month instead of ten days to get the plot into use!!
Anyway yesterday I hired a rotavator for the weekend which was delivered this morning, - I thought that if I rotavated it would be easier to pick out the thousands of bramble root pieces than dig them out, as I am not strong enough. This turned out to be a complete waste of time and money, as well as not being able to lift it out of the car, I wouldn�t have been able to get it on to the site as it needs to be lifted over the metal fence, and even if I could have done, there are too many trees in the way to get a clear run with it. I honestly had no idea it would be so heavy!
Now I feel so desperate, as next week my month is up, I am no further forward with clearing the plot and 50 squid down with the hire of the rotavator that is still in the boot of my car. I have nobody to help me and I cant afford to pay anyone to clear it. I love it there so much, especially as I live in a flat with no garden of my own � it is my special place iykwim. I just don�t want to lose my lottie. Can they really take it away from me after five months as its not yet in use, if I was given it for a year rentfree?
I�m sorry for such a long post, I but I am so upset I actually cried this afternoon
I was going to call the council on Monday to tell them I can�t clear it so they can give it to someone who can! Am I just being a wuss, or do you think the council are being unfair? Any advice welcome please.
Chix xx
I was offered my 5 rod allotment back in February this year after only being on the waiting list since September 2008, and was told that I wouldn�t have to pay rent until April 2010 as the plot was overgrown. Slight understatement

As I work full time, I have been going to the lottie at the weekendsand some evenings, and it has been a very slow process without anyone to help me. As mentioned, I have managed to clear about 20-25 ft of brambles and burnt them on a huge bonfire. I then sprayed the remainder with round-up, covered with tarpaulins and left the beasts to die for a couple of weeks or, so I thought.
Three weeks ago I received a �Notice to Remedy� my plot as it was in a �neglected condition�, and they gave me ten days to start cultivating

One of the other plot holders had previously told me he thought my plot was the worst on the site (90 plots) and hadn�t been used for years before I got it, and judging by the size of some of the trees I think he�s right! I called the council and they kindly decided to give me a month instead of ten days to get the plot into use!!
Anyway yesterday I hired a rotavator for the weekend which was delivered this morning, - I thought that if I rotavated it would be easier to pick out the thousands of bramble root pieces than dig them out, as I am not strong enough. This turned out to be a complete waste of time and money, as well as not being able to lift it out of the car, I wouldn�t have been able to get it on to the site as it needs to be lifted over the metal fence, and even if I could have done, there are too many trees in the way to get a clear run with it. I honestly had no idea it would be so heavy!
Now I feel so desperate, as next week my month is up, I am no further forward with clearing the plot and 50 squid down with the hire of the rotavator that is still in the boot of my car. I have nobody to help me and I cant afford to pay anyone to clear it. I love it there so much, especially as I live in a flat with no garden of my own � it is my special place iykwim. I just don�t want to lose my lottie. Can they really take it away from me after five months as its not yet in use, if I was given it for a year rentfree?

I�m sorry for such a long post, I but I am so upset I actually cried this afternoon

I was going to call the council on Monday to tell them I can�t clear it so they can give it to someone who can! Am I just being a wuss, or do you think the council are being unfair? Any advice welcome please.
Chix xx