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So sad - need advice


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  • #16
    This is disgusting! You weren't tempted to take photos so you'd be able to see the before and after pictures were you? That way you'd have some proof of what you'd achieved so far. If this were me I'd insist that someone from the allotments office actually met me there so that I could explain exactly what the plot had looked like when you took it on and show them just what you'd achieved so far. The problem is that in February there's little in the way of leaves and weeds, but by June everything is covered in rampant foliage again and looks worse, even when it's considerably better. Our plot was in a similar state, in the first year we cleared a quarter, planted onions then cleared another quarter and put some spuds in, but the rest we cut down and covered, bringing a further quarter into cultivation each spring, so it took three years. Any faster than that and the areas you've already cleared quickly become overgrown again as soon as you turn your back to do the next bit. I'd ask the council if they want it cleared properly or if they want a quick and temporary fix. Having dealt with allotments offices over many years though I think it's more than probable that this is just a case of the left hand not knowing what the right is doing and that your notice to quit was a mistake which they're now trying to talk their way out of, try to talk to a human being as soon as their offices open on Monday and INSIST that they come and inspect it again, but this time with you present. Do you have an allotments society on your site? If so it might be worth asking the secretary or some other official to attend the next inspection with you as they will be able to back up what you are saying. Don't be afraid to ask the secretary either, they've probably been on the site for years and remember the days when they were under threat from developers because no-one was interested, they certainly won't want to return to those times and should be more than happy to support you. There's also the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners, contact them, they know more about allotment law than anyone (certainly more than your average council jobsworth) and will almost certainly help.
    Good Luck, and keep us posted.
    Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


    • #17
      I was thinking of things that I would say to your council if I was in your position chixilixi, but if I posted them on here I'd soon be banned for using far too many four letter expletives.

      As Bluemoon says, its disgusting the way you have been treated, but I'm pretty sure you can and will come out on top in it all. You should take a good selection of photo's of your plot as it is now. The one you already posted is a good one to start off with to show the council just exactly what your up against. Those trees are pretty well established so its obvious they were already there well before you took over the site so its hardly your fault that they are growing there.

      As has been suggested earlier in the thread, I would do a little at a time. Get one bed started if possible, and then another, and then another etc, and take photo's as you go along if the council still don't believe you are trying to get it sorted.

      One thing that I did think you could do if your allowed to have fires is to build a fire around one of the trees. Choose the biggest to start with, then clear a small section around it so it doesn't start a bushfire. While that fire is merrily burning away, you could be getting on with some other chore like preparing a bed while keeping an eye on it. I don't think it would need a very big fire to get one of those trees to fall, then you could do the same around another tree, and another, and another until its time for you to go home.


      • #18
        I echo what most people have said on here. Working full time, and a plot that was so clearly overgrown unloved and uncared for is a mammoth task, and not all of us are Superman/woman.
        I would urge you to speak in person to your council and explain. Even if you cant transfer your photo's from your phone, take the phone with you, and show them.
        As was said, if there is a society on your allotment, ask the secretary for their assistance with the council. They WILL know the state of the plot before you took it on.
        The year's free rent v not a year to clear it = council logic ie none!!
        I dont normally condone the "hapless female" approach, but I totally agree with Zazen. There will be blokes who would be only too happy to help a female plot holder with heavy stuff, and give you advice after you've cleared some of it.
        And slowly gently. It will take time, its clearly ridiculously overgrown, the size of those trees show how long the plot hasnt been used, so you arent going to do it overnight. Just do a bit at a time, and cover as you go.
        Finally, if all else fails, sit down and think of Seahorse throwing herself at her trees and swinging from them to pull them down, and laugh.
        Last edited by bobleponge; 05-07-2009, 06:09 AM. Reason: Aardvark
        Bob Leponge
        Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


        • #19
          Originally posted by chixilixi View Post
          Would anybody have any advice on how to get rid of the 15ft + trees without a saw
          The other people on your site will have tools, and would probably be more than happy to help you with clearing your plot (esp. if you are a nice young lady ... )
          After all, they don't want it to be covered in weeds either.

          Or, MrToggs just posted details of Tesco's garden sale:
          �3.00 Tesco own brand stainless steel dutch hoe
          �3.00 Tesco own brand stainless steel digging fork
          �3.00 Tesco own brand stainless steel digging spade
          �5.00 Spear and Jackson stainless steel border spade (worth the extra 2 quid)

          What you need to do is show willing. Get up there as often as you can, get your face seen, be friendly ... you will find that you are offered help, advice and probably plants as well.
          Last edited by Two_Sheds; 05-07-2009, 06:52 AM.
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #20
            Originally posted by chixilixi View Post
            I was also thinking about getting some help from the Landshare scheme in return for half the plot but not sure how this would go down with the council?
            No, you can't let out your plot. You'll deffo get kicked off for that.
            Have you a friend who could (informally) share with you?
            Or else ask the council to halve the plot ?

            Thing is, even once you've got the lotty cleared, it is an ongoing battle against the weeds, esp. in the first 2 years. I'm up there every weekend and several evenings a week too, just to keep on top of it.

            btw, If you are going to use Roundup, you need to apply it to green growth (leaves), not to stumps. It won't work for about a month, then the topgrowth will die back. You still have to dig out the roots, or they will regrow.
            Last edited by Two_Sheds; 05-07-2009, 06:47 AM.
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • #21
              You have said that this is a five rod plot. I just wonder how much it would cost for the council to pay a garden clearance firm to clear the area. It looks to me like a years free rental to you in return for the work is hard labour on the cheap. The least they could do is give you until the years end to turn it into a workable site.

              It seems you got the plot fairly quickly. I am suspicious that the council have used this site to keep their allotment waiting list down.


              • #22
                Originally posted by rana View Post
                The least they could do is give you until the years end to turn it into a workable site.
                Yes, but the poster has had it 5 months already and not made any real progress. How long was she going to leave it?

                I don't want to sound harsh, I don't mean to. But we've had many other threads where everyone moans about people who get a plot and never do any work on it!

                Chix, this ain't a rant at you. I wish you all the best, and if I was nearer I would come and help you out.
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by chixilixi View Post
                  Would anybody have any advice on how to get rid of the 15ft + trees without a saw (budget has been spent on the unused rotavator)? And on the best (cheapish) weed killer to kill the bramble roots and tree stumps that I could pick up from B&Q in the morning?

                  Chix x
                  Do you know anybody in your area that has a wood burning stove they usually have a chainsaw for cutting wood
                  They will be happy to remove it for you
                  Cheers .... John

                  Web link to our Allotment website

                  PS my plot is 9 shown on the Plot Holders Pictures


                  • #24
                    There is a stupid length of time on the waiting list near me and would love to share or help you with the plot clearing
                    But Blackpool to Greenwich is a tad too far... LOL
                    Cheers .... John

                    Web link to our Allotment website

                    PS my plot is 9 shown on the Plot Holders Pictures


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by johninblackpool View Post
                      Do you know anybody in your area that has a wood burning stove they usually have a chainsaw for cutting wood
                      They will be happy to remove it for you
                      or advertise the firewood on Freecycle (in exchange for getting it cleared)
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • #26
                        My word! Having seen the photo I can understand how 'brave' wasn't quite the right word!

                        Can't understand how councils can let a plot fall into such a state of neglect for several years and expect someone to remedy it in a matter of months! Still, lots of great ideas here to give you a real boost in right direction chilixi

                        Maybe you can find some small plants/seedlings in shops that you can put into some cleared space so they can get going? Saw some that was quite cheap at B&Q - but they did look a bit ropey.

                        PM me your address and I'll send you a few shallot sets (they were reduced to 50p!) and I've plenty of chive seeds!


                        • #27
                          oh my god. I thought my plot was overgrown when I got it but that is nothing compared to yours. I suggest going onto freecycle and seeing if anyone has any old carpets or weed suppressant fabric that you could put down( cardboard is good too). It is surprising what people get rid of. Have a word with your other allotment holders on the plot and see if anyone has spare plants that they could let you have and cut through whatever groundcover you put down and plant these through the slits. People often get too many potatoes or plant too many cabbage seeds for their needs/space. I have a glut of brassicas at the moment and am having to find odd spots to plant them into.
                          I agree with comments posted already about speaking to a real person at the council and show them pictures and explain the full situation and tell them of your plans for your allotment when you manage to clear it and get them to go down there and see it for themselves. Even someone who doesnt know about cultivation must realise that this plot was badly overgrown long before you got it.
                          Good luck and let us know how you get on next week.

                          �If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.�

                          "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

                          Charles Churchill : A dog will look up on you; a cat will look down on you; however, a pig will see you eye to eye and know it has found an equal


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by chixilixi View Post
                            Haha thanks Lemon - brave wasnt the first word that sprang to my mind though! And FIRST lottie?? I think that this one's more than enough to keep me going for a few years lol.

                            I have managed to bluetooth a pic I took of the middle of the clearer side of the plot (couldn't actually get around the other side) just a couple of weeks after taking it over in Feb. These trees are tiddlers and there are some much bigger ones and a few oaks, but I also have a fantastic Cherry Plum as well, and there is no way that will be chopped down (pics tomorrow hopefully).

                            I do feel a lot more optimistic now I have had some advice from you lovely people, I think I may try my luck with the council on monday, if only to get some of the trees removed.

                            Thank you all so much.
                            Well I can understand how you feel. It beggers belief how the council are send you letters aready. As sec I would expect that someone clearing a plot in that state should also be given the second year as 1/2 price.

                            We have a 10 rod site which looks like yours and 20 have so far spent 4 full days clearing it this year and i would say only 1/3 of it is cleared and almost ready for planting. We have already had several bonefires.

                            Advice would be to saw off as many of the trees as you can next week so people can see a visable change and then dig the roots as suggested above. Take photo's before and throughout the process. Most councils do offer some sort of extra service. Maybe the services they provide won't be enough to clear the plot but would help you along a bit.

                            I wish you loads of luck


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by chixilixi
                              ...I did ask for the community Service team to clear my plot, my neighbours were offered this service but didnt want it, but was refused even though I offered to pay the whole years rent there and then to get it cleared...
                              This seems excessively unfair - why were your neighbours offered help and you weren't? Is there anyone else you can ask about this?

                              You've taken on lots of hard work that's for sure. Talk to as many of your fellow allotmenteers as you can to get as much info as you can about running an allotment - it seems to me the Council are being very unfair here.

                              Good luck.
                              To see a world in a grain of sand
                              And a heaven in a wild flower


                              • #30
                                �land do a good Bow saw...If there are trees on it and they have given you a year free I would phone them and tell them that you didn't expect to plant this season...due to the condition of the plot.....Then I would burn it off...
                                My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


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