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need advice on dealing with plot holder


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  • #76
    Originally posted by Pumpkin Becki View Post
    Thank goodness he didn't have them digging in their nighties in the rain!! And I'm very relieved Social Services are now involved. If this guy works at a rest home, he needs to be struck off.
    Well, it may turn out that it's an over reaction and a letter would have sorted the problem out but there are so many questions raised by the guys activities or maybe lack of activity by hime the plot holder that makes me uneasy.

    I can't wait to get back to lookinhg after my plot but now its flipping raining again
    Last edited by marathon; 07-07-2009, 12:23 PM.


    • #77
      Well done for making all the calls. It's difficult to be the one who stands up and does something, but you have done the right thing - if something dodgy is happening to those old folks, they won't end up in the papers later with everyone saying "Why didn't somebody do something?". And if it turns out, somehow, that there isn't a problem (can't imagine it...) at least you will know and can be at peace with yourself instead of worrying and worrying.


      • #78
        Well glad to see SS are involved the police are a waste of time . Did i read right one of the oldies said he was their son, now i could understand it if he worked shifts and they wanted an allotment and they could only get there with his help and he didn't want to stay cos he had been at work all day but it's the nighties and slipper thing which is wierd. It just doesn't add up does it .


        • #79
          Are these elderly people which were locked in, under the plot holders care, from the care home he works in? As if so I'm sure the authorities would like to hear about it as this is neglect as anything could happen to them!


          • #80
            Originally posted by Topcat36 View Post
            Well glad to see SS are involved the police are a waste of time . Did i read right one of the oldies said he was their son, now i could understand it if he worked shifts and they wanted an allotment and they could only get there with his help and he didn't want to stay cos he had been at work all day but it's the nighties and slipper thing which is wierd. It just doesn't add up does it .
            well from what the chair said he isn't local but his parents are. He works so explains why he wouldn't be up in the day. There are many plot holders who work and come up in the evenings or come to that some come up early morning which is totaly acceptable. But that line of argument is still flawed by the fact that he doesn't actually stay to do the work! The council told me that if the plot is applied for by a very elderly person it would be likely that they wouldn't get a plot if it was thought that the person couln't manage the work load. Ih a person applied for a plot with the intention of working the plot at night they would also not let a plot to them. Working aplot in the evening is different to working a plot at night.
            Last edited by marathon; 07-07-2009, 03:58 PM.


            • #81
              Originally posted by marathon View Post
              Working aplot in the evening is different to working a plot at night.
              ...and working a plot in your nightie and slippers?
              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


              • #82
                This is getting odder and odder
                My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                • #83
                  Well done Marathon, I admire your tenacity with the 'authorities'. It beggers belief that no-one seemed interested at first! Glad someone appears interested at last.

                  I'm not so sure about the 9pm curfew for other plot holders though. Often that is the only chance I get to go, once the kids are in bed and I've finished everything else. I often pop up to my lottie late and don't leave until I literally cannot see anything, often 10.30pm. No doubt the other plot holders will tell you this if they are night owls like me too, and I'm sure they will be sympathetic to the situation as a temporary measure.

                  I agree with what someone else said, often after an event people always moan about how 'somebody' should have done something. Well you are that 'somebody', so well done!


                  • #84
                    Lets hope it gets sorted and the curfew can be lifted.


                    • #85
                      We can be on the plot at anytime just the gate has to be locked after 6pm cos its also the gate to a business next door. We all have a key but I got locked in last year and as I cant manage the gate, I had to call the site manager to come and let me out lol.
                      Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                      and ends with backache


                      • #86
                        Marathon, when I lived in the UK I was one of the people that founded, with other Age Concern people, an organisation called Action on Elder Abuse. It's still running and is fully independent of AC now and you can get their number through your local Age Concern Office. I would seriously urge you to give them a ring and get them involved because if this had been brought to me as a practitioner/activist, me and my team would have been all over it like a rash, it's just not right and proper.
                        TonyF, Dordogne 24220


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by tonyf View Post
                          action on elder abuse... I would seriously urge you to give them a ring
                          0808 808 8141, 9-5
                          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                          • #88
                            I have to say when I first read this I smiled, but the more I read it the more disturbing it has become.
                            I, like a few others, admire your tenacity Marathon, it cant be easy when the upholders of the law are showing a complete lack of interest, you have kept at it and hopefully something will now be done to ensure the safety of these elderly people.
                            There may turn out to be a rational logical reason for these activities, but I am struggling to see one from the outside.
                            Bob Leponge
                            Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                            • #89
                              call the police change the locks on the gates and the plot and get rid they havent paid rent so they have no rights


                              • #90
                                Well, I've just read this entire thread in absolute amazement, this is the sort of thing that should be on the telly, I'm thinking the 10 o'clock news rather than One Foot In The Grave (although I would imagine it would have been an excellent storyline in ofitg).

                                Are the old people the same ones every time or are they on a rota basis?

                                I feel the rules should be made so access is restricted between certain times, the times can be split so you have spring/summer and autumn/winter times.

                                Don't worry that others may work a plot outside of these hours, as long as they aren't causing a nuisance (i.e. they have the permission of the committee), they won�t be affected. Rules like this give a base from which concessions can be given, it puts you in a stronger position to negotiate.

                                I don't have an allotment but I'm starting to think that perhaps I should, I hope everything gets sorted out.



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