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What would you do ??


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  • What would you do ??

    Hiya all hope you are all well.
    Bit of a predicament !!!!!. I recently gave up my allotment to take one a little closer to home, i had paid my rent for the year so the new plot holders had a bit of a free start to things.
    I made it clear from the moment i handed my notice in that i would need a couple of weeks to remove the greenhouse lift a couple of fruit trees and empty my shed of tools ETC......
    HOWEVER the new plot holders have filled my greenhouse with tomato plants, changed the lock on the shed and planted crops right up to the bases of the fruit trees i need to dig out .
    I have asked the chairman to sort it as i need my tools and green house removing tomorrow so as to erect it at my new plot.
    Minty thinks he should empty the greenhouse, break the lock on the shed and carefully dig up the fruit trees, What would you do ?????
    Minty XX
    " If it tastes like chicken THEN EAT CHICKEN " :- Kermit The Frog

  • #2
    Gosh, horrible dilemma Minty! I dunno what I'd do! I guess I'd wait to see what the chairman says, if he's a reasonable sort of bloke...
    Can't believe they've locked you out of your own tools though


    • #3
      The new plot holders might not know anything about you needing your stuff back, unless you spoke directly to them, its up to the person you gave notice to to sort this out.

      But if it were me, i would do as you suggested... and take your stuff back.

      It is possible the new tenants were told you needed your stuff and are just hoping you wont now they have put new locks on and planted stuff up.

      Good Luck.
      Blogging at.....


      • #4
        How long ago did the new guy get the plot? It sounds wrong if he knew you were returning for your stuff. Can you leave him a note explaining in case he is unaware?

        I have raked the soil and planted the seeds
        Now I've joined the army that fights the weeds.


        • #5
          Do they know you were hoping to take your stuff away, or have you left it to the chairman to tell them?

          Bit difficult, but a man needs his shed. And greenhouse. And fruit trees.


          • #6
            You were clear about what you were taking with you, looks like whoever you told didn't pass the message on.
            I'd go tomorrow and get the stuff anyway, but leave a note for the current plotholders explaining what happened if they're not there.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Minty View Post
              I have asked the chairman to sort it as i need my tools and green house removing tomorrow so as to erect it at my new plot.
              Minty XX
              totally agree that you should take your stuff.. just got a wonderful mental picture of the new plot holders scratching their heads looking at an empty space where the greenhouse once stood.. they'll think it's been taken by aliens lol


              • #8
                Maybe there is a lesson to learn for us all when giving up a plot. Always get what you want before you give notice to vacate. Not applicable to our lotties as we are not allowed sheds, greenhouses or trees. However all new starters are told that the previous holder has a right to any veg that they had planted. Usually it is all done in a friendly fashion.



                • #9
                  Hi Minty,
                  I hope you managed to resolve this amicably - or at least to get your stuff back ?
                  odd notes about our kitchen garden project:


                  • #10
                    minty do you need a heavy to elp' you collect me duck?
                    or is you alright
                    this will be a battle from the heart
                    cymru am byth


                    • #11
                      I'm sure it must be written somewhere in your tennancy agreement that you will be able to remove your property from the plot you are vacating before keys are given to a new plot holder. Surely the new people were warned that you'd be back to get your things.


                      • #12
                        They are taking the xxxx - really! They know what they are doing and think they can get away with it. How can you possibly think this is yours when you take on a plot? Surely you enquire at the very least.

                        Go and get it back. Do it soon before they think they have succeeded.

                        On my allotment there is a cheeky so and so who has put up his shed on another persons plot - just because they have not started working it yet. He has the front half of the plot [no hedges, just paths] and coveted the hedge area on the plot behind him, so has partially cleared the hedge and set up for his shed. It is the same as my plot by the hedge and he approached me if I would let him in by the hedge if he were my neighbour. I pointed out my boundary marker which is painted on the hedge boundary. I think sparks may fly at his end at some stage. 60 sq metres of plot each is not very much for someone to camp their shed on your bit.


                        • #13
                          Did you get your stuff mate?

                          (Tis a foolish plot holder who takes on Minty and Phil TS, surely ).
                          I was feeling part of the scenery
                          I walked right out of the machinery
                          My heart going boom boom boom
                          "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                          I've come to take you home."


                          • #14
                            I would go and recover my stuff..
                            My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                            • #15
                              It seems to me quite devisive of the new plot holder to have 'changed the locks' so swiftly. As you paid the rent it's still your stuff so go get it (and any crops you have grown and would like to eat)


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