Ok it's getting close, I have a meeting with the local allotment manager next week who is going to show me some vacant plots - I have assumed he is going to offer me one and not just let me look at them 
Can any one offer me some realistic advice; I do know they will all be over grown so picking a nice looking one is not an option.
My basic critera will be:
Location, -on a main route from the gates so I can get the car/trailer to the plot for clearing and dropping stuff off
Water - Close (within 25m if possible)
Full plot rather than half plot - My plan is to clear half and just cover the other half until I am ready
Away from fences/roads - less likely visitors will venture into the middle of the site.
Plots around mine need to be cultivated - show soil is good and saves trouble from weeds also hopefully my neigbours will offer advice!!
Any advice will be great.

Can any one offer me some realistic advice; I do know they will all be over grown so picking a nice looking one is not an option.
My basic critera will be:
Location, -on a main route from the gates so I can get the car/trailer to the plot for clearing and dropping stuff off
Water - Close (within 25m if possible)
Full plot rather than half plot - My plan is to clear half and just cover the other half until I am ready
Away from fences/roads - less likely visitors will venture into the middle of the site.
Plots around mine need to be cultivated - show soil is good and saves trouble from weeds also hopefully my neigbours will offer advice!!

Any advice will be great.