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Just got my first allotment!


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  • #16
    Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
    well done! I'd tackle it the same way you are ... cut it down, cover it up. Dig it once the roots are seriously weakened.

    btw, you don't want to be strimming if you have frogs ... they don't have the sense to get out the way, and it makes an awful mess all over your shoes
    I'm sure I shouldn't have laughed at this TS. I'm sick...

    Well done on getting the plot, Mrs J. You won't fail, so you just go for it! Anyway, you've got a very nice gate and a fence so the Wabbits won't get in. (Wabbits ate my everything. They are no longer fluffy and cute - they are THE ENEMY! )


    • #17
      Originally posted by ckfe View Post
      just wondering if any of the grapes on here has had an allotment and then found out they couldn't cope or just basically got bored with it? cos like mrs j i wonder if i'll be totally out of my depth (when i eventually get an allotment that is!!!! )
      I started with a full, overgrown for the last 2 years, plot and, due to a combination of mad hours at work, illness, injury of wrist, death in family and general family troubles, it all became too much for me. Especially when someone offered to rotavate what I thought would be the bits that I obviously needed help with but also included the large patch of ground elder I'd spent a fortnight hand weeding and all the stuff I'd planted in the beds I'd cleared... It takes a fair amount to make me cry...

      OTOH, I've recently been given a half-plot and life has also become a lot easier. It's still fairly hard work, because I'm not a physically strong person, but I'm getting there!

      Unless life's decided it's your turn to be treated like a compost heap you'll be fine. Don't know about boredom, but the grapes are all super-helpful so there's no need to feel out of your depth.
      Last edited by basketcase; 22-07-2009, 01:37 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mrs Jackson View Post
        I'm wondering if I'm going to be totally out of my depth and fail miserably (as everyone else seems to think I will), but I'm hoping to prove them wrong

        Mrs J
        I don't think you are and you will prove them wrong with determination. We have just got our first allotment two days ago after a wait of THREE DAYS!!!!

        I could not believe we were so lucky to only have to wait that short time. We took a half plot and then after thinking it over, we asked for the other half the next day and got it. My friend is taking the other half plot next door and I have got my eye on that when she loses interest

        I am taking people's advice and cutting the grass down with a strimmer, then covering and digging as time allows.

        Good luck with your allotment. I will be calling back here for advice pretty regularly because I know very little about growing my own stuff.

        I am starting another thread to ask for advice on what to grow this late in the season.
        A good way to deter predators is to taste awful.


        • #19
          Thanks everyone for your encouraging words. I managed to get down there earlier and spent about an hour clearing the front of the plot and got the first couple of metres done. I found a scythe in my Mum's shed that hadn't been used for about 15 years but it did the job perfectly. I'll make sure I avoid using a strimmer for the time being, don't fancy having frog bits splattered up my wellies, bleugh! I didn't find any more frogs today but there were plenty of snails and we found rabbit droppings outside the gate - very pleased I got a fenced allotment! I'm going to get Mr J to ask in Sainsburys for cardboard boxes and put them down, cover with a load of manure from SIL, then stick a tarp (couldn't afford the thick weed control fabric - will a tarp work just as well?) over the lot. I've got loads of seedlings coming up at home - broccoli raab, cavolo nero, beetroot, swiss chard, romaine lettuce and a few other bits. So I'm hoping to get at least one bed dug properly fairly soon so that they can go in. Then I might get some plug plants of purple sprouting broccoli from the nursery. It's starting to feel more real now that I've started doing something.

          Mrs J


          • #20
            Originally posted by Mrs Jackson View Post
            cover with a load of manure from SIL, Mrs J
            A bold move - most people use horses...

            Sorry, couldn't resist!


            • #21
              Congratulations Mrs J on your new allotment! You seem to have it all sorted - break it down into manageable chunks and take it easy. Enjoy! Looking forward to hearing about your results. One piece of advice - do take photos for before and after - it's a real feeling of achievement when you see what you've achieved.
              Best wishes
              Bernie and Dexter
              Bernie aka DDL

              Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


              • #22
                Congratulations Mrs J and also Linnetlegs.
                Little and often is the key IMO.
                Clear a bed and plant something straight away. Then clear another bed and plant.
                Try not to stress over what you haven't done. It will still be there when you are ready to tackle it.
                I also got a plot in March without having to wait. Couldn't believe my luck.

                As for what to plant now - I am about to put a load of brassicas in.
                I also use this site for a lot of info:-
                Growing vegetables on Leeds allotments - Vegetable Index
                I find it really useful for knowing what to plant when, and when I can expect to be eating the produce.

                Do as much as realistically possible (in my case about 4 hours digging and 1 hour planting with a 1/2 hour of weeding of what is already planted up at the weekends and then a 1/2 hour or so 2-3 times in the evenings, but that is generally hoeing and pulling some salad to go with my dinner. I keep the hard digging to the weekend which gives me all week for my back to recover while I am in work

                �If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.�

                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

                Charles Churchill : A dog will look up on you; a cat will look down on you; however, a pig will see you eye to eye and know it has found an equal


                • #23
                  Congratulations Mrs J, I got mine at the end of June and love every minute of it despite the hard graft. Soon you may find yourself joining the skip dippin fraternity

                  Updated 23rd February 2009


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by weekendwellies View Post
                    I keep the hard digging to the weekend which gives me all week for my back to recover while I am in work
                    I like your thinking, Wellies!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by basketcase View Post
                      A bold move - most people use horses...

                      Sorry, couldn't resist!
                      ewwwww that's put me right off my tea


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by ckfe View Post
                        ewwwww that's put me right off my tea


                        ETA - You didn't stay school dinners, then?
                        Last edited by basketcase; 24-07-2009, 06:35 PM.


                        • #27
                          I've done about 4 1/2 hours on it so far. I've chopped all the weeds down in the front 5m (by hand with a scythe!) and dug a small bed at the front. I've covered a large area with tarp to hopefully keep the weeds at bay until I can dig that bit. I'm going to do another couple of hours there tomorrow and hopefully (fingers crossed!) I'll be able to get a few brassica plug plants in next weekend. I'm really pleased with my progress so far. Considering I haven't spent much time down there it's definitely starting to take shape!

                          Mrs J
                          Attached Files


                          • #28
                            Well I've now hacked down the entire plot, so all the weeds are below 6inches rather than above 6ft. It's made a huge difference actually being able to see everything for the first time! I stuck a few dwarf borlotti beans in the little patch that I'd dug over, but the slugs have had most of them so I think I need to get myself some child-friendly slug pellets. I've dug a bit more now as well, so I need to properly mark out my beds and then stick some green manure seeds in there. I did have some brassica plug plants that I was keeping at home for the time being, but they've been eaten by caterpillars, so I think before I go and get any more plugs first I need to get myself some enviromesh or something. Any recommendations for a cheaper alternative? I'm hoping that Mr J will be able to take some time out at the end of September to help me and then fingers crossed we'll have space for all the garlic, overwintering onions and some raspberry canes. Can't wait!

                            Mrs J


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Mrs Jackson View Post
                              I did have some brassica plug plants that I was keeping at home for the time being, but they've been eaten by caterpillars, so I think before I go and get any more plugs first I need to get myself some enviromesh or something. Any recommendations for a cheaper alternative? Mrs J

                              What a shame - it war out there at this time of year!! I believe voile curtains make a good inexpensive alternative to netting and mesh, though I've not tried it myself. Just make sure you make a frame that is big enough to support the net away from the leaves of your plants, otherwise the butterflies will just lay their eggs through it. You could make a cheap frame with bamboo canes and use old tennisballs for the corners to help prevent the net from tearing.
                              Last edited by Pumpkin Becki; 25-08-2009, 04:27 PM.


                              • #30
                                Congratulations to you I am sure you will have lots of fun clearing your alloment, a good idea to take pictures that way you will see just how much you have achieved in time! and it will be a lovely reminder when you are looking at all the veg you are growing!
                                And by the time your son is toddling about it will be a really good space.
                                Good luck!


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