So I go down to the allotment today (finally! some potatoes worth talking about!) and notice my new next door neighbour (he's been there about two months) has sown grass seed over all the paths on his allotment. I'm sure he's jealous of my, erm, 'natural' green paths between the various bed bits of my allotment (a result of the neglect of any area which isn't actually growing something, I don't have raised beds, but have a 'T' shaped path running from the entrance at the side of the allotment to both ends which has gradually greened over during the summer) but I can't help feeling that's a abit odd. I mean, we've got grass seed everywhere as a result of the overgrown paths BETWEEN allotments, the green grows quickly enough, and why spend money on grass seed.
But maybe he's not strange, and I'm the one with the Weird Ideas about not sending money on stuff I don't need (its possible, of course, that he didn't spend money but there is A Lot of grass seed on the ground). Anyone one any comments? Seen this before? Is he odd or is it me
But maybe he's not strange, and I'm the one with the Weird Ideas about not sending money on stuff I don't need (its possible, of course, that he didn't spend money but there is A Lot of grass seed on the ground). Anyone one any comments? Seen this before? Is he odd or is it me
