I've got a big dilema at the moment. I have a very nice sized plot in a great location, probably the best placed plot out of them all. But I can't dedicate the time (not motivation) to it to grow veg. I can never get on top of it
It is riddled with bindweed 
I was comtemplating giving up the tenancy, which I will probably kick myself for in a few years!
My question is, does anyone use their plot purely for growing fruit? I am allowed to have trees, so I'm guessing any other fruit will be ok.
I would imagine the upkeep will be a lot simpler and less time consuming?
I was thinking of covering the plot with cardboard (I can't afford the weed supresent at the moment), killing everything off underneath through not letting in any light... (it has just been rotovated, which I know was a bad idea re bindweeed) then grassing all but where the fruit trees bushes are.
Is that completely mad?

I was comtemplating giving up the tenancy, which I will probably kick myself for in a few years!
My question is, does anyone use their plot purely for growing fruit? I am allowed to have trees, so I'm guessing any other fruit will be ok.
I would imagine the upkeep will be a lot simpler and less time consuming?
I was thinking of covering the plot with cardboard (I can't afford the weed supresent at the moment), killing everything off underneath through not letting in any light... (it has just been rotovated, which I know was a bad idea re bindweeed) then grassing all but where the fruit trees bushes are.
Is that completely mad?
