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So that's why it was still there...


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  • So that's why it was still there...

    Decided to plant some hellebores that I'd got through the post a few weeks back and potted up when they arrived, as per company's instructions.

    The Cunning Plan was make a bed round the base of the welegia (sp?), weed, cover with wet newspaper, add some of the compost from the communal heap (of which there was plenty and very nice looking stuff too) and plant the flowers.

    Had just got all but the last batch of compost on the bed when a voice said "You're not using that compost, are you, love?" Me, very embarrassed, "Wasn't I supposed to? I thought it was communal."

    "It is. But we never use it, because they can't get the heaps hot enough and people put all sorts on them. I got white rot (what? ) last year, some people got club root, so none of us will touch it". Aaaaaaargh!

    I did say "Well, it's only one flower bed and I'm not a brassica fan..." And got a lugubrious "Spores" for my trouble.

    Am I really deeply in the... erm... compost?! Or is there hope? It's only one little bed at the very bottom of the plot.

  • #2
    Oh eck... Well I guess using it for flowers is about the safest thing for it, but you're going to have to be super careful about sterilising any tools used in that bed, and don't walk on it at all because you can then carry it about on your boots. Mebbe cover it with a mulch so that the surface isn't exposed to wind etc.

    I can't see much point in trying to remove it now? But somebody else might know better than me.


    • #3
      What's the point of having a communal compost heap if no-one is ever going to use it?


      • #4
        Originally posted by rustylady View Post
        What's the point of having a communal compost heap if no-one is ever going to use it?
        They did. That's how they know it's riddled with every bug known to man - well, to gardening person anyway!


        • #5
          Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
          Oh eck... Well I guess using it for flowers is about the safest thing for it, but you're going to have to be super careful about sterilising any tools used in that bed, and don't walk on it at all because you can then carry it about on your boots. Mebbe cover it with a mulch so that the surface isn't exposed to wind etc.

          I can't see much point in trying to remove it now? But somebody else might know better than me.
          I didn't walk on the flower bed at all - but I probably did on the compost itself. Fortunately most of the 'growing area' I intend using is covered with black plastic. I wish they'd've put a sign on it - but they probably thought that everybody knew!

          Good idea about the mulch Sarz, thanks - think there's a load of (hopefully disease-free!) wood chippings I could cover it with.

          What can I sterilise with? Vinegar? ***** Fluid? Or will it need something stronger?


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