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Trading Shed/Shop


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  • Trading Shed/Shop


    I run the trading shed (shop) at my allotment, this is the first year, but I am getting increasingly annoyed with other people on the lotty who always interrupt you when working on the plot because they want something from the shop or equipment and people complaining about the stock in the shed. Shed stock is based on what sells, having checked the sales records.

    There is a set day that the shed is open. There is a rota to cover when the shop is open, but people have not turned up when they are due on and the same few people have to cover, one of which is me.

    My plot has been neglected. I have a terrible ground covering weed with a blue flowers which I can not get under control.

    I am responsible for ordering stock for the shop, bagging it and keeping an eye on stock levels.

    I am in full time employment and only really get to Lotty at the weekend.

    I am not sure if I want to continue next season and was hoping for your thoughts, am I being unreasonable.

    Many thanks


    Carpe Diem

    The way I see it, if you want the rainbow you have got to put up with the rain!

  • #2
    Can't help you with the shop but does that ground covering weed with the blue flowers have small strawberry like leaves? If so it might be mock strawberry. You can only really keep digging it out. It's a sod to get rid of.
    Last edited by pdblake; 20-08-2009, 10:53 AM.
    Urban Escape Blog


    • #3
      I think your good nature is being taken advantage of. I'd jack it in and get on with your own lottie.
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • #4
        Yup, what Flum said or just tell them to fill out a requisition form number 279 and post it through the shop letter box.


        • #5
          I do know exactly how you feel, not because I run a lottie shop, but in my work all I hear all day is 'Could you just?'. Today being a case in point, I had to set three meetings rooms up for clients all due to arrive at the same time, then the MD said 'Could you just swap meeting x with meeting y', which means moving all the cups and saucers, chairs and tables round, whilst greeting the clients and signing them in, sorting the incoming post and putting in relevant pigeon holes, then the Materials Manager said 'Could you just train soandso to do suchandsuch', and all whilst I was trying to have my own client meeting, man reception, answer the phone ringing off the hook, and then when I've got my hands full of coffee pots and water jugs, some little treasure wants the key to the stationary cupboard and they want it now, and no they can't possibly wait for me to deliver said coffee and water to the very important client meeting, because they need a new pencil right now!! Grrrrr!!!!

          I think you may have to consider giving up the shop for your own sanity, though it probably won't stop people asking you to open it up for them, because they'll always assume that you are involved in it somehow. My other suggestion is to buy some very big /obvious headphones and wear them when you are on your plot (they needn't be plugged into anything) then people will think you can't hear them calling you. I do it at my lottie when I want some peace and quiet - it works a treat!


          • #6
            I'd carry on running the shop on your terms - you have set opening hours and a rota. If other people don't stick to it, tough.

            So if it's someone else's turn on the shop and they haven't turned up, the shop stays closed. If people come up and moan at you, say 'so and so should be running the shop this morning and they haven't turned up.' And when they ask you to open the shop say 'I'm sorry, I haven't got the key on me.'

            And if people grumble, ask them on which day they would like their name putting down to run the shop for a couple of hours!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Pumpkin Becki View Post
              I do know exactly how you feel, not because I run a lottie shop, but in my work all I hear all day is 'Could you just?'....
              Try saying 'I'm sorry, I can't do that at the moment because I am on an errand for Mr Bigboss - if you come back in half an hour, I'll be able to sort you out then.'

              Bet not many come back in half an hour, as they will have sorted their problem out themself!

              BTW, love the headphones idea!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
                I'd carry on running the shop on your terms - you have set opening hours and a rota. If other people don't stick to it, tough.

                So if it's someone else's turn on the shop and they haven't turned up, the shop stays closed. If people come up and moan at you, say 'so and so should be running the shop this morning and they haven't turned up.' And when they ask you to open the shop say 'I'm sorry, I haven't got the key on me.'

                And if people grumble, ask them on which day they would like their name putting down to run the shop for a couple of hours!
      're so sensible at times Hazel! Good post btw!
                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                Diversify & prosper


                • #9
                  The allotment shop on one of the sites near us is only open 3 times a week run by volenteers. Wednesday 2 -4-pm and Saturday and Sunday mornings 10.30 - 12.30. The shop isnt on my site but there is a bell to ring but I dont think it is used very often. They have asked for more volenteers and I will be helping next season. Perhaps you could mention it at your next agm. bring it into the minuets either as a disscussion point or as any other business. Let people know that it is only open at certain times and will not be open in between for anyone. If they want something bad enough they will soon remember the opening times.
                  Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                  and ends with backache


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Snadger View Post
          're so sensible at times Hazel! Good post btw!


                    • #11
                      My plot has been neglected. I have a terrible ground covering weed with a blue flowers which I can not get under control.


                      Not anymore after some heated discussions, hubby decided it was time to give up the plot we took on at the end of last year. Although he did not bother telling me this until we had done several trips to my work to collect rotted leaves.

                      Spend the rest of the weekend clearing away the constructions we had up for the fruit and moving the compost bins back as I only moved them last weekend. But we do not need to move the shed, which is good news.

                      I moved some cabbages so I hope they will be OK.

                      So back to my half plot. Hubby said there will be divorce if I ever mention taking on another piece of plot again .


                      Carpe Diem

                      The way I see it, if you want the rainbow you have got to put up with the rain!



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Flummery View Post
                        I think your good nature is being taken advantage of. I'd jack it in and get on with your own lottie.
                        Exactly what I would say!!!
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                        For a cleaner, greener future!


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