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Poultry Poser


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  • Poultry Poser

    I Currently Keep Chickens On My Allotment But The Local Council Has Threatened To Stop This. It Only Threatens Our Site With This, While Allowing Others In The Area To Carry On Keeping Poultry. Am I Right In Thinking That The Allotment Committee For A Site, Makes The Rules For That Site And Not The Council ? Anyone Know
    Many Thanks E.m.

  • #2
    Eddie, it all depends on the set up.

    Our setup is that the council is the landlord and has a set of rules, they pay an honorarium to one individual per site who is styled "site agent" and acts as the first point of contact for plotholders in both directions. While we have an association it is for the whole town, all sites and non-allotmenteers alike. Site agents and two nominees froms the association participate on the Management Committee, made up of Councilors and the Town Clerk.

    In theory, regardless of the organisational set-up, every allotmenteer should have signed a lease with some organisation and that lease should either state the rules or have a statement that in signing it you acknowledge the rules.

    Sorry if that does not help, but I have observed on this forum alot of assumptions are made about site set up's, unconciously I hasten to add, usually refering to "the committee".

    No offence intended here, but I do think, also from observation, that there are quite a few different ways sites are run.
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    • #3
      Is there not something within the allotments act that covers keeping chickens on allotments? It may be worth checking this out as a line of defence. Our tenancy agreement (from the parish council) allows the keeping of a rabbits and chickens for personal consumption and although nobody had kept chickens on the site in living memory, we now have 6 birds. I will try and check out the section within the act and post back later.
      Gardening is a way of showing that you believe in tomorrow
      - Author Unknown


      • #4
        It depends on the local bye laws BG. We aren't allowed to keep livestock (don't know if that includes children ) on our lotties
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