Like TS I believe certain types of weed are just another form of green manure.
This is going to sound 'smug' but the way I garden means I spend very little time weeding, only the persistant perennials which are all hand weeded.
I've had a swoe for 20 years and it is a good tool but I actually enjoy getting down and dirty and hand weeding my plot!
Close planting of crops in pockets means that when I harvest a crop the weeds come out with it...........then I cultivate the soil and replant another crop straight away which keeps the weeds down!
As Zazen says, weeds are part and parcel of gardening so just tackle them little and often.
This is the beauty of the bed can hand weed a bed in half an hour and it looks like you've achieved something. Do the same the following day ad infinitum and in a fortnight you will be ready to start again!
This is going to sound 'smug' but the way I garden means I spend very little time weeding, only the persistant perennials which are all hand weeded.
I've had a swoe for 20 years and it is a good tool but I actually enjoy getting down and dirty and hand weeding my plot!
Close planting of crops in pockets means that when I harvest a crop the weeds come out with it...........then I cultivate the soil and replant another crop straight away which keeps the weeds down!
As Zazen says, weeds are part and parcel of gardening so just tackle them little and often.
This is the beauty of the bed can hand weed a bed in half an hour and it looks like you've achieved something. Do the same the following day ad infinitum and in a fortnight you will be ready to start again!
