My first allotment (Dundee).
Managed to dig over half the plot before things became too wet and/or frozen. Have now finished digging over other half. So, I have newly dug ground and ground broken up by winter frost.
I'm getting a load of well rotted manure on Saturday.
Should I:
1. Cover ALL plot with a layer until time to plant or is it too late for that?
2. Cover original ground dug with a layer until time to plant or is it too late for that?
3. Dig in to original ground dug over before Christmas?
4. Store and dig in when planting?
5. Something else?
My first allotment (Dundee).
Managed to dig over half the plot before things became too wet and/or frozen. Have now finished digging over other half. So, I have newly dug ground and ground broken up by winter frost.
I'm getting a load of well rotted manure on Saturday.
Should I:
1. Cover ALL plot with a layer until time to plant or is it too late for that?
2. Cover original ground dug with a layer until time to plant or is it too late for that?
3. Dig in to original ground dug over before Christmas?
4. Store and dig in when planting?
5. Something else?
