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Dealing with a Moaner. advice please


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  • Dealing with a Moaner. advice please

    We have a very good social life on our plots and we adhere by the rules and no1 is
    "Respect your neighbours at all times"

    However we have a moaner, He is a site rep elsewhere in our town and is cultivating the plot at our site on behalf of his son. His son is the tenant.

    Does this give him the right to complain about other plot holders?

    My new friend has put up some Tayberry and the rules state that the Fruit has to be a metre from your neighbours plot. However if they have not been planted by the tenant currently renting the plot they would stay.

    My question is as he is not the actual tenant of his plot does he have the right to complain or should his son the rightful Tenant complain?

    Also he does nothing to improve our site or mixes with us socially and as he is a site rep elsewhere should he not be an allotment holder on his on HIS site?


  • #2
    Originally posted by Benacre View Post
    We have a very good social life on our plots and we adhere by the rules and no1 is
    "Respect your neighbours at all times"

    However we have a moaner, He is a site rep elsewhere in our town and is cultivating the plot at our site on behalf of his son. His son is the tenant.

    Does this give him the right to complain about other plot holders?

    My new friend has put up some Tayberry and the rules state that the Fruit has to be a metre from your neighbours plot. However if they have not been planted by the tenant currently renting the plot they would stay.

    My question is as he is not the actual tenant of his plot does he have the right to complain or should his son the rightful Tenant complain?

    Also he does nothing to improve our site or mixes with us socially and as he is a site rep elsewhere should he not be an allotment holder on his on HIS site?

    Just bullsh!t him and he'll get sick eventually!

    His Son may have health problems and he's under no obligation to socialize!
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper


    • #3
      No His son is lazy and I know that not everyone wants to socialise.
      Pity he is so miserable and moaning all the time though.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Benacre View Post
        No His son is lazy and I know that not everyone wants to socialise.
        Pity he is so miserable and moaning all the time though.
        Nowt the matter with a good moan now and again, after all, what are we doing here! Lol
        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

        Diversify & prosper


        • #5
          The world needs moaners (and howlers and screamers !!!

          British by birth
          Scottish by the Grace of God


          • #6
            Not trying for two goes at best allotment plot is he?

            As a site agent myself, I would say :

            The father is morally entitled to work and "defend" the plot on the sons behalf if the son is unwell and unable to do so. However he still has to abide by the rules as he is working on behalf of the tenant.

            But if the son is just lazy or is merely the "named tenant" as opposed to the "working tenant" then the father has effectively been sub-let the plot, which is not allowed under our rules. The other interpretation is that he is hired labour and it is the son as an able tenant who has to "defend" the plot. Regardless of that the father still has to abide by the rules as he is still working on behalf of the tenant.

            Turning it the other way round then he is acting as the sons labourer and if the son does not appear on site, then you talk to his "agent", the father.

            As for the language you, presumably, quote from the rule book, I would interpret that as having a meaning in the sense of calendar time only.
            In that interpretation he is a naughty boy.

            In your somewhat different interpretation, invite me up and I'll plant your forty standard apple trees two inches inside your boundary, you are then OK.

            If he keeps on making complaints that are "vexatious", no real basis for complaint, or just to nit pick, then casually ask when the son will be well enough to cultivate his plot and make a joke of how pretty soon everyone will think that son has sublet it to father if we don't see him working his plot.

            If that does not work have a quiet word with the landlord about thie site agent being a nuiscance to another site and see what they suggest.
            Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
            Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
            I support


            • #7
              Thanks. His son was going to dig it but became disinterested then he is sub letting the plot!
              I will print off the last reply and give it to our Rep.


              • #8
                Easier just to avoid him benacre. Give him good morning and keep walking. Does any of it really matter that much. Just leave the ball in his court and let him get on in his own miserable way.

                From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                • #9
                  Just break wind when you talk to him that should do the trick

                  So folks are born to moan. I just tell them I'm not interested and I only want to go and grow.
                  Last edited by nick the grief; 05-01-2007, 10:09 PM.
                  Never be afraid to try something new.
                  Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                  A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Snadger View Post
                    Nowt the matter with a good moan now and again, after all, what are we doing here! Lol
                    Snadger - you are always so cheerful and positive! Dexterdog
                    Bernie aka DDL

                    Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                    • #11
                      Mr MB reacted by asking 'Was this just a sneaky way for the old git to get two allotments?'
                      Just a thought. Good luck in dealing with him.


                      • #12
                        I am sorry that you seem to have somewhat of a 'character' on the next plot, it can really put people off when the atmosphere and balance is upset, but don't let it.

                        I am of the more direct approach, but I realise that many people are not as bold, Next time he says anything, just meemaw him,

                        blaaablaablaablaablaablaaaablaaawhingeblaaa and smile as you continue your jobs without even breaking stride or looking up.

                        If he wishes to complain officially, fine, then at least you can get them thrown off for subletting. In the mean time, have a little fun at his expense and take the mickey, he sounds like he deserves it


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